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Support for families

The funeral ceremonies for the miners who died in the Pniówek and Zofiówka Section mines ended this week. The families of the victims and the injured miners are not left alone - they can count on help and support.

Miners leave hospital

The last two patients with isolated burns of the respiratory tract, injured in the methane explosion in the Pniówek mine, have been discharged from the Burn Treatment Center in Siemianowice Śląskie.

Thanks to the rescue workers

On behalf of the families and the mining community, we would like to thank all the rescue workers who took part in the rescue operations in the Pniówek mine and the Borynia-Zofiówka mine, Zofiówka Section. As always during such operations, mining rescue workers have one…

Four years have passed

The Zofiówka Section commemorated the 5 miners who died 4 years ago 900 meters underground as a result of a strong tremor.

We focus on the future. JSW gives more students guaranteed employment.

Graduates of mining majors from the Vocational School Complex No. 2 in Knurów have had secured jobs in mines of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa for 8 years. On 28 April, in the Gliwice County Hall, the Company concluded another agreement which guarantees employment to…

Rescue operation in KWK Pniówek

Under the best care 

Nine employees of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa injured in the Pniówek mine disaster in Pawłowice left the Burn Treatment Center in Siemianowice Śląskie today, and one was discharged on Monday. The patients have completed their hyperbaric chamber…

Thank you for your remembrance

On behalf of the families and the entire mining community we would like to thank you for your words of compassion and your remembrance in this very challenging time for us.

Rescue operation in Zofiówka

End of the rescue operation

At 3:50 p.m., after completing the work to secure the mining roadways in the region affected by the shock wave, the Head of the Mine Section ended the rescue operation in gallery D4a above the longwall.

Aktualności JSW SAInformation for internet portals

If public discussion forums are not duly monitored by portals, especially if there is no reaction to the cases of abuse reported by the Company’s press corps, JSW will consider advancing claims to protect the personal rights of the Company and its employees, in…

Education in animation

Education, education and once again education is absolutely the best idea for disseminating the awareness of the significance of coking coal in the modern economy.