Consolidated financial statement of JSW S.A. Capital Group for 2012

25. Costs by type

  2012 2011
Depreciation 1,066.6 844.3
Consumption of materials and energy 1,661.4 1,399.2
External services 1,542.8 1,410.1
Employee benefits 3,562.6 3,194.2
Employee share ownership plan - 293
Taxes and fees 203.9 228
Other costs by type 65.5 13
Value of materials and merchandise sold 121.4 203.7
Total costs by type 8,224.2 7,585.5
Cost of sales (361.9) (272.2)
Administrative costs (662.5) (508.9)
Disputed property tax on underground mine workings * (36.6) -
Employee share ownership plan - (293.0)
Value of performances and property, plant and equipment produced for own use (644.3) (468.4)
Movement in products (133.1) (75.9)
Cost of products, materials and merchandise sold 6,385.8 5,967.1

* The PLN 11.9 million difference between the amount PLN 48.5 million shown in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income in the “Disputed property tax on underground mine workings” and the PLN 36.6 million presented above consists of the interest on the property tax liability calculated on an accrual basis

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In 2011, JSW S.A. acquired control over: KK Zabrze, WZK Victoria and PEC. Due to the date of the acquisition, data in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income for the financial year ended 31 December 2011 do not include any amounts relating to WZK Victoria and PEC (as control was acquired in December 2011), while data pertaining to KK Zabrze are included only for the period from 1 July to 31 December 2011. The data for the current reporting period include costs by type of those entities for the entire financial year ended 31 December 2012. Therefore, the costs for 2012 and 2011 are not comparable. The total amount of costs by type (after consolidation adjustments) of WZK Victoria and PEC for the financial year ended 31 December 2012 and KK Zabrze for H1 2012 is PLN 793.6 million, of which the cost of consumption of materials and energy of PLN 428.4 million.