
The total amount of the remuneration, understood as the amount of remuneration, bonuses and benefits received in cash, in kind or in any other form, paid out to persons discharging executive and supervisory functions for 2012 and for the comparative period is presented in the following tables. The Parent Company’s Management Board forms key management personnel of the Group.
Remuneration of the Management Board in 2012 (PLN)
Period in office in 2012 | Management services* | Annual bonus** | Benefits, income from other sources | Income earned in subsidiaries | Total | |
Jarosław Zagórowski | 1 Jan-31 Dec | 960 000,00 | 480 000,00 | - | - | 1 440 000,00 |
Andrzej Tor | 1 Jan-31 Dec | 840 000,00 | 420 000,00 | - | - | 1 260 000,00 |
Grzegorz Czornik | 1 Jan-31 Dec | 840 000,00 | 420 000,00 | - | - | 1 260 000,00 |
Marek Wadowski | 1 Jan-16 Jan | 36 129,03 | - | - | - | 36 129,03 |
Artur Wojtków | 1 Jan-31 Dec | 840 000,00 | 420 000,00 | - | - | 1 260 000,00 |
Robert Kozłowski | 1 Apr-31 Dec | 630 000,00 | 315 000,00 | - | - | 945 000,00 |
Total | 4 146 129,03 | 2 055 000,00 | - | - | 6 201 129,03 |
* This item includes only remuneration based on management contracts.
** This item includes the annual bonus due for 2012 in the maximum amount permitted by the contract. The bonus is payable at the request of the President of the Management Board, depending on the degree of achievement of KPIs, and is subject to approval by the Supervisory Board.
Remuneration of the Management Board in 2011 (PLN)
Period in office in 2011 | Remuneration, management services* | Annual bonus** | Benefits, income from other sources | Income earned in subsidiaries | Total | |
Jarosław Zagórowski | 1 Jan-31 Dec | 308 002,28 | 302 182,44 | 81 146,97 | 41 454,96 | 732 786,65 |
Andrzej Tor | 1 Jan-31 Dec | 286 602,21 | 269 073,33 | 117 826,91 | 41 454,96 | 714 957,41 |
Grzegorz Czornik | 1 Jan-31 Dec | 286 602,21 | 269 073,33 | 49 700,25 | 44 909,54 | 650 285,33 |
Marek Wadowski | 1 Jan-31 Dec | 286 602,21 | 269 073,33 | 56 265,88 | 41 154,52 | 653 095,94 |
Artur Wojtków | 1 Jan-31 Dec | 286 383,36 | 269 073,33 | 45 457,34 | 37 309,44 | 638 223,47 |
Total | 1 454 192,27 | 1 378 475,76 | 350 397,35 | 206 283,42 | 3 389 348,80 |
* This item includes only remuneration based on employment agreements and management contracts.
** This item includes the annual bonus paid for 2010 and the annual bonus due for 2011.
Remuneration of the Supervisory Board in 2012 (PLN)
Period in office in 2012 | Remuneration | Other income | Total | |
Józef Myrczek | 1 Jan-31 Dec | 41 454,96 | - | 41 454,96 |
Eugeniusz Baron | 1 Jan-31 Dec | 41 454,96 | - | 41 454,96 |
Tomasz Kusio | 1 Jan-31 Dec | 41 454,96 | - | 41 454,96 |
Miłosz Karpiński | 1 Jan-10 Jul | 21 841,86 | - | 21 841,86 |
Antoni Malinowski | 1 Jan-31 Dec | 41 454,96 | - | 41 454,96 |
Adam Wałach | 1 Jan-31 Dec | 41 454,96 | - | 41 454,96 |
Janusz Tomica | 1 Jan-31 May | 17 272,90 | - | 17 272,90 |
Zbigniew Kamieński | 1 Jan-27 Mar | 9 917,99 | - | 9 917,99 |
Marek Adamusiński | 1 Jan-31 May | 17 272,90 | - | 17 272,90 |
Adam Zbigniew Rybaniec | 1 Jan-31 Dec | 41 454,96 | - | 41 454,96 |
Mariusz Warych | 1 Jan-31 May | 17 272,90 | - | 17 272,90 |
Alojzy Zbigniew Nowak | 1 Jan-31 Dec | 41 454,96 | - | 41 454,96 |
Stanisław Kluza | 27 Mar.-31 Dec | 31 648,41 | - | 31 648,41 |
Andrzej Palarczyk | 31 May-31 Dec | 24 293,50 | - | 24 293,50 |
Robert Kudelski | 31 May-31 Dec | 24 293,50 | - | 24 293,50 |
Łukasz Rozdeiczer-Kryszkowski | 31 May-31 Dec | 24 293,50 | - | 24 293,50 |
Total | 478 292,18 | - | 478 292,18 |
Remuneration of the Supervisory Board in 2011 (PLN)
Period in office in 2011 | Remuneration | Other income | Total | |
Józef Myrczek | 1 Jan-31 Dec | 41 454,96 | - | 41 454,96 |
Eugeniusz Baron | 1 Jan-31 Dec | 41 454,96 | - | 41 454,96 |
Tomasz Kusio | 1 Jan-31 Dec | 41 454,96 | - | 41 454,96 |
Miłosz Karpiński | 1 Jan-31 Dec | 41 454,96 | - | 41 454,96 |
Antoni Malinowski | 1 Jan-31 Dec | 41 454,96 | - | 41 454,96 |
Adam Wałach | 1 Jan-31 Dec | 41 454,96 | - | 41 454,96 |
Janusz Tomica | 1 Jan-31 Dec | 41 454,96 | - | 41 454,96 |
Zbigniew Kamieński | 1 Jan-31 Dec | 41 454,96 | - | 41 454,96 |
Marek Adamusiński | 1 Jan-31 Dec | 41 454,96 | - | 41 454,96 |
Adam Zbigniew Rybaniec | 1 Jan-31 Dec | 41 454,96 | - | 41 454,96 |
Mariusz Warych | 4 Oct-31 Dec | 10 029,43 | - | 10 029,43 |
Alojzy Zbigniew Nowak | 6 Oct-31 Dec | 9 806,55 | - | 9 806,55 |
Razem | 434 385,58 | - | 434 385,58 |
In 2012, no loans were granted to any members of the JSW S.A. Management or Supervisory Boards.
In 2012, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee was established. Its tasks include supervision over the implementation of the remuneration system for the JSW S.A. Management Board, monitoring and periodic review of the remuneration system for JSW S.A.’s executive personnel and, if necessary, formulation of recommendations for the Supervisory Board. The tasks of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee are described in Item 5.11 of this report.