Management Board Report on the activity of the JSW S.A. for 2012
4.3. More important achievements in research and development
In 2012 JSW S.A. conducted a number of projects to enhance its operational effectiveness. Work was conducted inhouse and in collaboration with external entities. The following should be mentioned among the more important projects executed in the mining segment by the Company:
Measures to enhance the effectiveness of methane drainage:
under engagement from JSW S.A. the Barbara Experimental Mine of the Main Mining Industry Institute is performing an assignment entitled: Developing a concept for pre methane drainage from coal seams and analyzing the possibilities of using drainage roadways for operational methane drainage along with an assessment of the effectiveness of gas removal from a deposit in the conditions present in JSW S.A. Currently, a contract was completed for the Budryk Mine pertaining to the region of the B-10 longwall being designed in seam 401,
based on the design prepared by the Barbara Experimental Mine of the Main Mining Industry Institute, the Krupiński Mine implemented a new solution in JSW S.A. to drain methane from the region of the longwall in operation, by constructing a drainage roadway for the B-11 longwall in seam 348. At present, the B-11 longwall is in the initial phase of operation and the results obtained to date in methane capture confirm that this method is effective.
The Pniówek Mine has employed for the first time in the Polish mining industry an automated longwall shearer to mine seams of small and medium thickness, making it possible to obtain substantially higher production than the results obtained to date in longwalls with similar parameters. This shearer was installed in longwall C-1 in seam 404/1 in the Pniówek Mine. Using this shearer has made it possible to reduce the number of employees in the highest risk area, to automate production, to monitor the number of employees working in the longwall region and to observe the required safety standards in very difficult mining and geological conditions present in the region of operating the C-1 longwall. At present, this shearer is being prepared to be transferred to the C-2 longwall.
The Borynia-Zofiówka-Jastrzębie Mine in the Jas-Mos Section is preparing to conduct operational tests on a longwall shearer called MIKRUS developed in the KOPEX Capital Group to extract low seams. This solution is innovative and entirely new to mine thin seams with a thickness of 1.1 m to 1.5 m. This system is outfitted with a GUŁ-500 cutting and loading head with two cutting bodies, which is moved on the RYFAMA S-850N longwall conveyor along the coal side wall using a flexible connector system under sections of the KOPEX-095/17-POz mechanized shield. The entire longwall shearer system is powered and controlled through an integrated system outfitted with a central pulpit placed on the operator's position, which is situated in the conveyor road. Using this longwall shearer system will improve work safety as it eliminates the need for employees to be present on the longwall, while the usage of cutting heads instead of a plough makes it possible to enhance the efficiency and reliability of winning in difficult mining and geological conditions.
JSW S.A.'s mines have widely implemented mechanized dusting systems to spread rock dust in the underground mining pits using PK-900 POLKO, DROMADER, SMYK and JAMNIK dusting equipment. Spreading rock dust in underground mining pits is an effective method for combating the risk of coal dust explosion. Implementing mechanical dusting equipment enhances the efficiency of dusting, reduces the number of employees engaged in preparing dusting zones, and simultaneously provides for better coverage of the roofing and side walls of underground mining pits with rock dust, while reducing consumption compared to hand dusting.
Technical cooperation has been established with OKD in Ostrava. In the framework of this cooperation working teams have been appointed for the purpose of technical cooperation and sharing experience on specified topics between JSW S.A. and OKD in Ostrava. OKD mines function in similar mining and geological and technical conditions; according to the JSW S.A. and OKD Management Boards this cooperation is justified and expedient. Working teams were appointed to perform the agreements made at meetings in November 2012. Working teams were appointed in five topical areas:
methane hazard and methane drainage,
bump hazard,
selecting shields and maintaining roadway mining pits,
monitoring people, machines and equipment,
explosive works.
In 2012 JSW S.A. joined a consortium conducting a project within the framework of the Coal and Steel Research Fund under the title: Sophisticated mine shield systems to improve control of the rock mass in conditions of large pressure, including the project: Shield for underground mining pits along the wall at a depth greater than 1000 m. The project coordinator of Sophisticated shield systems (…) is the Main Mining Sector Institute in Katowice, while the international partners are DMT of Germany, Gecontrol of Spain, Armines of France, OKD of the Czech Republic, University of Nottingham and UK COAL of the United Kingdom.
Continuing the process of unifying selected machinery, plant and equipment used in the company's mines, in 2012 JSW S.A.:
established cooperation and signed the pertinent agreement with the Main Mining Industry Institute in Katowice to prepare the technical documentation of rails for suspended trains to meet the needs of JSW S.A.'s mines. Having this documentation (which will take place at the turn of 2013/2014) will facilitate outfitting the Company's mines with uniform rail routes, will simplify and accelerate tender procedures and will as a result enhance work productivity,
acquired the technical documentation for series of types of double timbers for wall rise galleries (initial slicing) and on its basis it purchases these double timbers,
acquired the technical documentation for two-yoke shackles and pipe sprags, and on their basis it purchases these accessories for the roadway shield,
continued on the basis of proprietary technical documentation for container cars the production of these cars in the Group. This is one of the elements of the program for modernizing the underground transportation system in the Company's mines.