
As at the last date of the reporting period and the date of this report, JSW S.A.’s share capital was PLN 587,057,980.00 and was divided into 117,411,596 ordinary shares with a par value of PLN 5.00 each, as follows:
- 99,524,020 series A shares,
- 9,325,580 series B shares,
- 2,157,886 series C shares,
- 6,404,110 series D shares.
Registered shares which will be dematerialized pursuant to the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005 will be transformed into bearer shares upon such dematerialization.
The total number of votes linked to all the shares issued by JSW S.A. is 117,411,596 votes at the JSW S.A. Shareholder Meeting.
Reduction of the Parent Company’s share capital
On 17 April 2012, the Shareholder Meeting adopted a resolution to retire 1,796,324 series C shares, a resolution to authorize the JSW S.A. Management Board to acquire treasury shares of JSW S.A. free of charge for the purpose of retirement and a resolution to reduce the share capital by PLN 8,981,620, i.e. from PLN 596,039,600 to PLN 587,057,980 and create other reserve capital (Current Report no. 25/2012). On 30 April 2012, JSW S.A. received the decision of the District Court in Gliwice, 10th Business Division of the National Court Register, dated 26 April 2012 on the registration of a share capital decrease in JSW S.A. in connection with the retirement of 1,796,324 series C shares corresponding to 1,796,324 shares in the JSW S.A. Shareholder Meeting (Current Report no. 29/2012).
The consequences of the anticipated decrease in the number of shares granted to the employees (retirements of series C shares) caused a reduction of costs of the employee share ownership program which was captured in the ledgers as at 30 June 2011 in the amount of PLN 243.9 million. The adjustment of costs was carried out in the ledgers in 2011. At the same time, JSW S.A. made proper adjustment of the surplus of the share issue value over their par value on account of the employee share ownership plan by the amount of PLN 234.9 million, and retained profits by the amount of PLN 9.0 million.
The amount of the share capital after registration of the retirement is PLN 596,039,600 and is divided into 119,207,920 shares with a par value of PLN 5.00 each. The total number of votes linked to all the shares issued by JSW S.A. after the registration of the change in the value of share capital (retirement of shares) is 117,411,596 votes at the JSW S.A. Shareholder Meeting. The shares were retired following the voluntary retirement procedure, without any remuneration. The purpose of the share capital decrease is to transfer the amount corresponding to the share capital decrease forming the sum of the par value of the shares being retired to a separate other reserve capital account, which may be used only to cover losses.
Ownership structure of JSW S.A.