Operating segments
The Group is organized and managed in segments by type of products offered and type of productionactivity. The Group presents information on operating segments in accordance with IFRS 8 “Operating Segments”.
Anoperating segment is a component of the Group:
- that engages in business activities from which it may earn revenues and incurexpenses,
- for which separate financial information is available,
- whose operating results are reviewed regularly by the body responsible for operational decisions (Management Board of JSW) about resources to be allocated and assessment of performance in the segment.
Aftera nalyses of the aggregation criteria and quantitative thresholds, the following operatingsegments wereestablished in the Group's consolidatedf inancial statements:
- Segment 1 – Coal – includesextraction and sales of blackcoal;
- Segment 2 – Coke – includesproduction and sales of coke and coalderivatives;
- Othersegments – includeactivitiesperformed by the Group’sentitiesotherthanthosecovered by Segments 1 or 2, such as, withoutlimitation, production and sales of electricity and heat, repair services, etc.