
The manner of operation of the JSW S.A. Shareholder Meeting and its powers are defined in the JSW S.A. Articles of Association and in the JSW S.A. Shareholder Meeting Bylaws (adopted by the Shareholder Meeting) available at the website.
A Shareholder Meeting is convened in accordance with the procedure and rules set forth in the provisions of law. Shareholder Meetings are held in Warsaw, in Katowice or at the registered office of JSW S.A.
A Shareholder Meeting is convened by way of an announcement published on JSW S.A.'s website and in the form of a current report. The announcement is posted on JSW S.A.'s website and the current report is sent no less than 26 days before the date of the Shareholder Meeting. The persons or the body other than the Management Board that individually convenes the Shareholder Meeting shall promptly notify JSW S.A.’s Management Board about this fact and deliver in writing or electronically a relevant resolution or statement on convening the Shareholder Meeting, the agenda, draft resolutions and justifications. If the Shareholder Meeting is convened by Shareholders then they shall also deliver documents confirming the mandate the convene the Shareholder Meeting. The Management Board performs all the activities defined by the law in order to hold an effective Shareholder Meeting.
The Shareholder Meeting shall be opened by the Supervisory Board Chairman or, in his/her absence, the following persons shall be authorized to open the Shareholder Meeting in the following order: a person named by the Supervisory Board Chairman, the Supervisory Board Deputy Chairman, the President of the Management Board, a person appointed by the Management Board or the shareholder who has registered shares at the Shareholder Meeting entitling him/her to exercise the largest number of votes. Subsequently, the Chairman of the Shareholder Meeting shall be elected from among the persons authorized to participate in the Shareholder Meeting.
Resolutions of the Shareholder Meeting are adopted by an absolute majority of votes, unless the Articles of Association or the Commercial Company Code set forth other conditions for adopting a particular resolution.
A Shareholder Meeting may be held if at least 50% of the share capital is represented at the Shareholder Meeting. Any adjournments in the meeting that go beyond a “short technical break” are ordered by the Shareholder Meeting by way of adopting a resolution by a majority of two thirds of the votes. The total duration of the breaks may not exceed 30 days.
Each shareholder who intends to take part in the Shareholder Meeting, directly or by proxy, is obligated to notify the Management Board or the Shareholder Meeting Chairman that he/she holds directly or indirectly more than 10% of total votes in JSW S.A.