
In 2012 the following changes took place in the Capital Group’s structure:
a) The Group continued the process of incorporation of companies through JSU taking over Jastrzębska Agencja Turystyczna Sp. z o.o. As a result of the merger of the companies, the share capital of Jastrzębska Spółka Ubezpieczeniowa Sp. z o.o. was increased by PLN 537,500.00 through the issue of 1,075 shares with a par value of PLN 500.00 each, which was registered on 1 March 2012.
b) Increase in the share capital of JZR by PLN 378,500.00, i.e. by 757 new shares with a par value of PLN 500.00 each, which were subscribed for by JSW S.A. The shares were covered with an in-kind contribution in the form of JSW S.A.’s assets of the market value of PLN 378,191.00 and a cash contribution in the amount of PLN 309.00. The above changes in the company’s capital were registered on 13 April 2012.
c) Increase in the share capital of SEJ by PLN 3,421,600.00, i.e. by 34,216 new shares with a par value of PLN 100.00 each, which were subscribed for by JSW S.A. The shares were covered with an in-kind contribution in the form of JSW S.A.’s assets of the market value of PLN 3,421,510.00 and an additional cash contribution in the amount of PLN 90.00. The above changes in the company’s capital were registered on 13 April 2012.
d) Acquisition of 10 shares in Koksownia Przyjaźń by JSW S.A. for PLN 10,321.80 on 26 April 2012. After the transaction the Parent Company holds 1,626,417 shares with 97.78% votes at the Shareholder Meeting of Koksownia Przyjaźń.
Following the transformation of Koksownia Przyjaźń into a joint stock company, which occurred pursuant to the decision of the District Court in Katowice, 8th Corporate Commercial Division of the National Court Register, on 2 January 2013, JSW S.A. holds 81,320,850 shares in KoksowniaPrzyjaźń representing a 97.78% stake in the company’s share capital.
e) Increase of the share capital of Advicom Sp. z o.o. by PLN 10,012,500.00, i.e. by 20,025 new shares with a par value of PLN 500.00 each. The new shares will be allotted to the shareholders in proportion to the stakes currently held. JSW S.A. is entitled to 15,031 new shares worth PLN 7,515,500.00. The stake expressed as a percentage has not changed. This change in the capital of the above company was funded with the reserve capital and was registered on 18 June 2012.
f) On 28 November 2012, PEC acquired 90 shares in SEJ Serwis Sp. z o.o. representing 45% of the company’s share capital.