Support for local initiatives
Like all other companies in the industry, JSW Group has strong ties to the region in which it operates. This is not merely about the billions of zlotys invested in tangible assets but also a long-term tradition. In contrast to many types of economic activity, extractive activities cannot be relocated with a management decision. On the one hand, this means a special commitment to relations with local communities which are always long-term because of the specific nature of these activities. On the other hand, this means continuing the ages-long mining tradition in Silesia. Mining began altering Silesia from the discovery of the first mineral deposits. This brought riches and migrations but also social and environmental challenges. It also because a cultural factor. Silesia today is Silesia the history, tradition and customers of which are inseparably related to mining. This is Silesian heritage, which shaped the specific nature and uniqueness of this region of Poland. A region that will continue transforming, bringing its heritage and characteristics into new industries and types of activity. Preserving Silesian memory and tradition is important for JSW. One example of this is the Chamber of Tradition at Knurów-Szczygłowice Mine, which has been around for many years.
Our companies also recruit employees from the local communities. On the one hand, the local community is where JSW Group recruits its employees. This is well supported by the fact that in 2020 one-third (33.6%) of JSW Group's managers were residents of the municipality in which his/her company is head-quartered. For JSW, this was 14.8%, i.e. the percentage of managers who are residents of Jastrzębie-Zdrój or municipalities where JSW's facilities, including the mines, are located. Keeping in mind that Silesia is basically one big agglomeration, practically all managers and workers in Silesia are recruited from the community. On the other hand, this means jobs and fair remuneration for the local community. Cash transfers, for example in the form of salaries, go toward household budgets and then stimulate consumption and make it possible for the entire community to develop, involving in this industries that are completely unrelated to mining and coking activity. To put it in simpler terms, members of miners' families spend money on buying all kinds of goods and services - such as car repairs, haircuts, etc.

Dialogue with local communities and local governments
JSW Group has in recent years been opening up to the local community. This includes the idea to initiate cyclical meetings between JSW's Management Board and local government officials in municipalities where JSW operates. These meetings were aimed at presenting JSW Group's plans for the nearest future in the following areas:
- employment (planned recruitment, employee profiles, cooperation with vocational schools and universities in the region),
- underground work planned for the year, including areas where mining will be taking place and where surface deformations and mining damages may be expected,
- planned activities at the surface, including management of extractive waste, shaping the landscape and rehabilitating land that has been adversely transformed as a result of mining operations and extractive waste management facilities,
- analyses of damages caused by mining operations and repair and prevention activities undertaken in this respect related directly to protecting the area where mining operations take place.
The management approach to local communities and their heritage involves JSW Group's commitment to open dialogue with local community representatives and to incorporating their opinions in decision-making processes in situations where decisions might have an impact on these communities. These activities are conducted by designated organisational units, which makes it possible to maintain a continuous dialogue mechanism between JSW's Management Board and local government units as representatives of local communities. It also includes a mechanism for reporting, recording and representing complaints.
A good example of putting this philosophy into practice may be the participation of JSW representatives in the works of coordination teams operating under the auspices of the Director of the District Mining Authority in Gliwice. These meetings are held twice a year in the Gierałtowice, Knurów and Mikołów municipalities. Representatives from the mines, District Mining Authority and local government officials typically attend. The subjects concern current plans regarding exploitation, expected and observed mining damages as well as corrective and preventive measures taken. These meetings are also a good moment for agreeing on certain issues related to the rectification of mining damages caused by mining operations. In 2019, the meetings were held as planned in each town and constituted a good moment for presenting what each of the mines accomplished and what its plans were for the next six months with regard to mining damages. In 2020, the meetings were suspended out of concern for their participants' safety due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Relations with trade unions
At 31 December 2020, JSW Group had 135 trade unions (31 December 2019: 132). The total number of trade union members exceeds the number of employees at the Group because an employee may belong to more than one union. At 31 December 2020, trade union membership was 37 813 people, bringing the rate of unionisation to 123.6%.
JSW's cooperation with trade unions is regulated by "Rules for mutual cooperation between JSW's Management Board and trade unions," adopted on 14 November 2019.
At 31 December 2020, JSW had 65 trade unions (31 December 2019: 64). The total number of trade unions members at 31 December 2020 was 32 826, giving a rate of unionisation of 149.4% for JSW.
In 2018, in accordance with the Program for hard coal mining in Poland JSW's Supporting Steering Committee was appointed, consisting of 4 representatives from JSW's Management Board, representing the employer, and 4 trade unions representatives, representing the employees. The Supporting Steering Committee's tasks included providing support for the Mining Steering Committee.
Because of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic and introduction of restrictions intended to limit the virus transmission, personal contacts between trade unions representatives and employees were reduced at JSW. Due to the continuing epidemiological threat, most meetings with trade unions were suspended.
Material disputes initiated by the social partner and relations with social partners in JSW in 2020
Implementation of the interpretation regarding compliance with the conditions of work and pay for KWK Jastrzębie-Bzie employees
In connection with the decision made by the Supervisory Board on the establishment of a new organizational unit being part of JSW under the name KWK Jastrzębie-Bzie, it was necessary to implement an interpretation regarding compliance with the conditions of work and pay for those employed in the facility. From 1 January 2020 until the implementation of a single Company-Level Collective Bargaining Agreement for JSW employees, the internal labor law act applicable in KWK Jastrzębie-Bzie is the terminated CCBA KWK Pniówek. The principles of allocation of employees from Jastrzębie Section KWK Borynia-Zofiówka-Jastrzębie to KWK Jastrzębie-Bzie were also specified.
Motion submitted by the Representative Trade Union Organizations in JSW concerning a wage hike in 2020
In their letter of 21 February 2020 the Representative Trade Union Organizations of JSW, i.e. ZOK NSZZ “Solidarność” JSW, ZZ Kadra Pracowników JSW and Federacja ZZG JSW submitted a motion to raise the base salary rates in JSW by 6%. Two meetings have been held on this subject to date, but no agreement has been reached. The Parent Company’s economic position was discussed during these meetings and the problems associated with JSW’s liquidity were presented. Production and commercial issues were also discussed.
At present, the trade union organizations and the JSW Management Board have suspended the talks on this year’s pay hike under way since 4 March 2020. The parties are supposed to return to the talks when the threat associated with the coronavirus pandemic passes.
Motion submitted by the trade union organizations “Jedność” and “POPIS” concerning the salary increase
On 24 February 2020 the Jedność and POPIS trade unions submitted a motion to the JSW Management Board for a salary increase in JSW in 2020 of 8% starting from 1 January 2020. In its reply of 9 March 2020 the JSW Management Board advised the trade union organizations that on account of JSW’s challenging economic position the Management Board is not capable of fulfilling the motion. Moreover, the Management Board advised that it conducted talks with the Representative Trade Union Organizations on the salary increase in 2020. At present, due to the threat associated with the coronavirus pandemic, the talks have been suspended.
Demand submitted by the Company Coordination Organization WZZ “Sierpień 80” JSW pertaining to raising the personal classification rates
In its letter of 9 March 2020 the Company Coordination Organization WZZ “Sierpień 80” demanded an increase in the personal classification rates by 8% on a gross basis as of 1 January 2020. At the same time, this trade union organization pointed out that this letter should be treated as the beginning of a collective dispute and that it expects the fulfillment of the foregoing demands within 7 days of receipt of this motion. In its letter of 17 March 2020 the JSW Management Board advised the trade union organization that on account of the exceptional situation involving the coronavirus pandemic talks concerning this demand will commence as soon as possible.
Motion submitted by the "Kadra" Trade Union of JSW KWK Budryk concerning a salary increase
In its letter of 10 March 2020 the Kadra Trade Union JSW KWK Budryk requested an increase in the personal classification rates for all vocational groups in all of JSW’s mines to the projected level of a 9% salary increase. In its letter of 17 March 2020 the JSW Management Board advised the trade union organization that on account of the COVID-19 pandemic threat talks concerning the salary increase will take place when the threat related to the pandemic passes.
Memorandum of Agreement on the rules for remuneration of employees for standby time and performing work according to an intervention procedure for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic
On 31 March 2020, the JSW Management Board and representative trade union organizations of JSW: ZOK NSZZ “Solidarność” JSW, ZZ “Kadra” Pracowników JSW and Federacja ZZG JSW, signed a memorandum of agreement on the rules for remuneration of employees for standby time and performing work according to the intervention procedure for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. On 10 June 2020, the parties entered into an annex no. 1 to the Memorandum of Agreement. The Memorandum of Agreement and annex no. 1 entered into force as of 10 March 2020 and prevail throughout the duration of the state of epidemic in connection with coronavirus infections or the related state of emergency in Poland.
The Memorandum of Agreement on remunerating employees who performed work in the extraordinary mode, i.e. during suspension of mining and introduction of downtime days in JSW’s mines in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic
In connection with the extraordinary situation in Silesian mines resulting from the large number of coronavirus infections and the decision of the Minister of State Assets to suspend mining in JSW mines, on 1 July 2020, the Management Board and the Representative Trade Unions entered into the Memorandum of Agreement on remunerating employees who performed work in the extraordinary mode, i.e. during suspension of mining and introduction of downtime days in JSW’s mines in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Material disputes initiated by the social partner and relations with social partners in other group companies in 2020
There are 10 trade union organizations operating in the company. On the basis of the company’s decision made in consultation with most of the trade union organizations operating in JSW KOKS, the amounts of the allowances for working on shifts and in the equivalent working time system for employees employed in JSW KOKS, JSW KOKS Przyjaźń Branch in Dąbrowa Górnicza and JSW KOKS KKZ Branch in Radlin were kept at the level in force in 2019. In March 2020 annexes were executed to the Rules and Regulations of Work and Compensation: concerning the allowance for the Company Social Benefits Fund in 2020 in JSW KOKS with its registered office in Zabrze, JSW KOKS Przyjaźń Branch in Dąbrowa Górnicza and JSW KOKS KKZ Branch in Radlin, to protect employee health and preventive measures in connection with the spread of the coronavirus and also secure the continuity of production and the technological safety of JSW KOKS Przyjaźń Branch in Dąbrowa Górnicza, JSW KOKS KKZ Branch in Radlin and JSW KOKS with its registered office in Zabrze In addition, a memorandum of agreement was signed to increase the amount of cash earmarked in 2020 for disbursement of the so-called hot allowance by 10% in relation to the amount designated for this purpose in 2019. In 2020 arrangements were made with trade union organizations regarding the consolidated Company-level Collective Bargaining Agreement for employees of JSW KOKS and talks were held concerning the payroll policy in 2020. On 28 October 2020, JSW KOKS concluded a memorandum of agreement with the trade unions regarding introduction, from 1 January 2021, of a single Collective Bargaining Agreement for all employees. Pursuant to the aforementioned memorandum of agreement, as of 1 November 2020, the company’s organizational structure changed – the Branches in Radlin and Dąbrowa Górnicza were liquidated and all company employees became the employees of JSW KOKS with its registered office in Zabrze. In November 2020, authorized Parties signed the company-level collective bargaining agreement for JSW KOKS employees, registered in the National Labor Inspectorate in Katowice on 30 December 2020, effective as of 1 January 2021. |
There are 8 trade union organizations operating in the company. In their letters of 3 March and 6 March 2020 the trade union organizations asked the company’s Management Board to engage in talks on the disbursement of overdue prizes and fixing the payroll policy for 2020 in the following area: fixing the salary increase ratio with a split into company-wide salary raises and payroll regulations, introducing a monthly motivational bonus, increasing the allowance to the Company Social Benefits Fund, determining the amount of the Transportation Worker’s Day bonus, setting the special occasion bonus for Easter (Easter Allowance) and Christmas (Christmas Allowance). On 25 March 2020 the company’s Management Board met with trade union representatives during which an agreement was signed on the disbursement of an “Easter Allowance” in the gross amount of PLN 700.00 per eligible employee in accordance with Article 30 of the Company-level Collective Bargaining Agreement and on increasing the allowance to the Company Social Benefits Fund by a gross amount of PLN 1,000.00 for each employed person and disbursement of this benefit after the State Labor Inspection Service (PIP) registers the additional protocol. The implementation of the foregoing postulates triggered the suspension of the collective dispute and resumption of talks with the trade unions after 31 May 2020. On 5 June 2020, a memorandum of agreement regarding the disbursement of the Transport Worker’s Day bonus in the gross amount of PLN 1,000.00 per eligible employee and its disbursement pursuant to Article 30 CCBA by 10 June 2020 was signed. Implementation of the above postulate led to suspension of the collective dispute till 15 July 2020. With the letter of 22 July 2020, trade union representatives reported that since the talks on the payroll demands were not undertaken, the collective dispute in the company was resumed as of 21 July 2020. On 27 July 2020, a memorandum of agreement regarding the disbursement of the Management Board President’s bonus in the gross amount of PLN 1,700.00 was signed. Implementation of the above postulate closed the collective dispute. On 2 December 2020, another memorandum of agreement regarding the disbursement of the bonus (Christmas Allowance) in the gross amount of PLN 1,000.00 per eligible employee was signed. Pursuant to Article 30 of the CCBA, employees were granted an additional cash bonus in the gross amount of PLN 500.00 as a compensation for au unexecuted payroll demand, i.e. introduction of an incentive bonus in 2020. In the current epidemiological situation the dialogue with the trade unions is maintained in the form of one-to-one meetings with the Chairmen of the trade unions and in the form of telephone calls. |
There are 7 trade union organizations operating in the company. In 2020 the company signed memoranda of agreement: determining the amount of the Coker’s Day allowance, the Christmas Eve allowance and the monthly bonus in 2020, and introducing an additional charge to the Company Social Benefits Fund. In addition, the company agreed on and introduced new rules and regulations for the Company Social Benefits Fund and a new table listing the standards for clothing and footwear was accepted. Due to the epidemiological situation associated with COVID-19, the talks with the trade unions are conducted using means of direct remote communication. |
There are 4 trade union organizations operating in the company. In the period under analysis the personnel and payroll policy was the main theme of the meetings. The memoranda of agreement concluded with the trade unions were associated primarily with the preventive measures associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. In connection with the epidemic situation, meetings with the trade unions are organized on an ad hoc basis in the online format. |
There are 4 trade unions operating in the company. In 2020, 7 meetings were held with the trade unions, including 3 in the form of teleconferences. During the meeting held on 13 January 2020, the preliminary budget for the Company Social Benefits Fund in 2020 was agreed upon and the issue of having to appoint an OHS Commission in the company was discussed. The co-payment for recreational leave under the Company Social Benefit Fund was raised. At the meeting held on 11 February 2020 the Parties agreed on the disbursement of a bonus in the net amount of PLN 300.00 to celebrate Women’s Day for all the women employed by the company and the disbursement of a bonus to celebrate Easter in the form of pre-paid cards for a net amount of PLN 500.00 for employees employed as at 31 March 2020 pro rata to the term of employment in the period from January to March 2020. During the meeting on 3 March 2020 the Parties agreed to update the Rules and Regulations of Compensation by regulating the clauses pertaining to bonuses and prizes. On 14 July 2020, a meeting was held to discuss primarily the Rules and Regulations of Compensation. In addition, the topic of reclassifications and disbursement of bonuses was discussed. The JSK Management Board reported that in connection with the JSW Management Board’s Resolution on implementation of the “Adaptation Measures Program to face the current market situation in JSW and the JSW Group” and the resulting necessity to optimize the costs and investments, any and all reclassifications and employee bonus disbursements were suspended. The next meeting with the trade unions was held on 23 September 2020. The main aim of the meeting was to agree on the amount and the rules for granting the Railwayman’s Day bonus, the Christmas bonus, and the contents of the Rules and Regulations of Compensation. The parties entered into a pertinent Memorandum of Agreement pertaining to the amount and rules of granting the aforementioned bonuses. In connection with the letter sent to the JSW Management Board by the Inter-Company Regional Commission of ZZDR PKP Katowice trade union pertaining to undertaking negotiations to enter into a Company Collective Bargaining Agreement in JSK, the Parties expressed their readiness to embark on working talks in this matter. On 25 November 2020, a teleconference with the trade unions was held to discuss mainly adaptation of the gross base salary rates table on white-collar and blue-collar positions to the minimum wage increase since January 2021. The parties agreed on and signed Annex no. 3 to the Rules and Regulations of Compensation for Jastrzębska Spółka Kolejowa Employees prevailing as of 1 January 2021. On 18 December 2020, another teleconference of the JSK Company Social Committee was held to agree on the rules and amount of the disbursements to the employees of the funds in connection with the unutilized items captured in the Company Social Benefits Fund preliminary budget for 2020. On 30 December 2020, a teleconference with the trade unions was held during which the parties by way of negotiations signed a memorandum of agreement regarding disbursement of the annual bonus for JSK employees captured in the 2020 TEP. |
There is 1 trade union organization operating in the company. On 25 May 2020, the JSU Management Board signed with the NSZZ Solidarność Company Trade Union Organization a memorandum of agreement on reducing the work time and remuneration by 10% for JSU employees in the period from 1 June to 31 August 2020 in connection with the Act of 31 March 2020 on amending the act on special solutions associated with preventing, counteracting and combating COVID-19, other infectious diseases and crisis situations they precipitate and certain other acts, the so-called Anti-Crisis Shield 1.0. The meetings of the Management Board with the representatives of ZOZ NSZZ Solidarność in 2020 pertained to, among others: change of the work of JSU during the epidemic, rules for payment of the discretionary bonus for the employees in October 2020 for the 2019 results, rules for payment of the jubilee bonus on the occasion of 25 years of JSU in December 2020, planning the disbursement of the December Christmas bonus in 2021 in the amount corresponding to the 2020 amount, planning the disbursement of the annual bonus for the 2020 results payable in June 2021, discussing the company’s situation in the tourist area in the age of the pandemic. By the end of 2020 the company’s Management Board conducted negotiations with the Trade Union Organization regarding the payroll policy for 2021. |
PBSz |
There are 3 trade union organizations operating in the company. Cooperation with the trade union organizations in 2020 focused mainly on ensuring continuity of work and securing the company in connection with the state of pandemic associated with COVID-19. This resulted in, among others, memoranda of agreement regarding ad hoc stoppages of some departments in May-July 2020. |
CLP-B | There are 6 trade union organizations operating in the company. In 2020, 4 memoranda of agreement were entered into pertaining to: payment of the Easter bonus amendments in the Company Social Benefit Fund Regulations pertaining to the expenditure preliminary budget, disbursement of the bonus in September 2020 and disbursement of the bonus in December 2020. |
JSW IT SYSTEM | There are 4 trade union organizations operating in the company. In September 2020 the company entered into a memorandum of agreement with the trade union organizations regarding disbursement of an allowance on the occasion of the IT Engineer Day to the company’s employees. |
JSW LOGISTICS | As at 31 December 2020, 11 trade union organizations were active in the company. The meetings with the trade union organizations conducted in 2020 pertained to talks on employee matters and negotiations pertaining to financial expectations of the trade unions. In addition memoranda of agreement were entered into, among others, in the matter of an additional charge for the Company Social Benefits Fund and disbursement of bonuses. |
Local community engagement
JSW Group implements long-term internal community programs, charitable campaigns and sports sponsorships. Internal community programs are managed by the CSR Team, which comprehensively coordinates the management of social responsibility at JSW Group. Charitable work is operationally managed by JSW Foundation. Donations from JSW SA to external entities are handled by the Organisation and Management Office. These activities are performed on behalf of the entire group, i.e. all companies and sites that are a part of it.
In accordance with the sustainability strategy, social activities, especially charity campaigns, focus on areas where JSW Group's facilities are located or areas that may be affected by JSW Group. JSW Foundation's statute unequivocally states that it engages in useful public and social activity within the following municipalities: Jastrzębie-Zdrój, Mszana, Świerklany, Pawłowice, Suszec, Żory, Czerwionka-Leszczyny, Ornontowice, Knurów, Pilchowice, Gliwice, Gierałtowice, Mikołów, Radlin, Zabrze and Dąbrowa Górnicza. They are therefore related with the presence and operation of these plants in the local communities.
For many years, JSW Group has been consistently emphasising support for kids and youth. It tries to support interesting, innovative and effective solutions in domains such as education, health, ecology, culture and sports, as well as help for those most in need in the region. Projects that are narrowly focused on the needs and expectations of a specific community, ecological activities, social campaigns and employee programs promoting active lifestyle or volunteering are being implemented. JSW is also involved in promoting sports among children and youth, local communities and promotes fair and ethical competition.
In 2020, JSW Group donated PLN 13.2 million, most of it - PLN 13 million - from JSW. The fight against COVID-19 was unsurprisingly a special area of support in 2020.
Internal community programs
The key program authored by JSW Group is the JSW Mine of Knowledge, which initiates further innovative projects. This is a unique program addressed to children and youth. Creative ideas, social initiatives and actions to improve our world that get entire families involved (more information: The second internal program is JSW for Kids, as part of which JSW sponsors three orphanages in Pszczyna, Jastrzębie-Zdrój and Cieszyn.
JSW Mine of Knowledge
JSW Mine of Knowledge focuses on education, mainly in exact sciences and the widely-defined ecology, and more. Lecturers at the JSW Mine of Knowledge want to stimulate passion in children for learning about the world, experiencing and discovering. This project is intended to develop kids' talents and make equal opportunities in access to modern and interesting forms of extracurricular activities. 2020, and more precisely COVID-19, made it impossible to undertake activities that used to be common in previous years. Moreover, the unusual situation disclosed new urgent needs. The weeks-long isolation and online schooling especially affected children.
To make remote learning more interesting, on International Kids Day (1 June) JSW launched a new version of the educational website Tens of educational materials are available, which conveniently explain fascinating topics such as use of hydrogen, responsible consumption, meaning of coking coal in the economy, electromobility and many other. This is accompanied by interesting and extensive quizzes. The website was created by JSW employees and the following partner sports clubs: KS Jastrzębski Węgiel, GKS 1962 Jastrzębie and JKH GKS Jastrzębie. Thanks to these partners, it was possible to publish valuable videos promoting sports, foreign languages and healthy lifestyle.
A competition was organised - Mine of Knowledge League. Schools from the region prepared educational videos based on publications available on the website. Extraordinary material was created as a result. The best ones are presented at In the second stage, school representatives took part in an online quiz. The winning teams received valuable prizes for their schools, related to the science domains promoted on our website. A unique calendar with drawings submitted by young users of the New Mine of Knowledge was prepared as part of the project.
JSW for Kids
The JSW for Kids program is addressed to children in need. JSW sponsors three orphanages - in Jastrzębie-Zdrój, Pszczyna and Cieszyn. Art workshops, educational trips, JSW employees' volunteering campaigns, equipment for talented children are just some of the activities that Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa organises for these orphanages. Thanks to JSW's support, kids from orphanages ever year had the opportunity to take several trips to various parts of Poland, scientific picnics, workshops and meetings with JSW Group employees. Of course, the COVID-19 pandemic restricted the spectrum of possible activities but also disclosed many urgent needs. This includes remote learning, which requires children to have a computer. Inevitably, orphanages did not have a sufficient quantity of computers.
Despite the pandemic during the holiday period when there were fewer cases and holiday trips in a sanitary regime were possible, we were able to organise three 9-day trips for children from all three orphanages. 125 kids participated in these in total. Irrespective of this, nearly 300 kids went on 1-day trips to Chlebowa Chata, silver mine and Energylandia.
Local social investments
In April 2019, Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa formally founded JSW Foundation to make the Group's charity work more effective.
The Foundation's main objective is to organise support for local communities in areas where JSW Group operates. The Foundation supports institutions, organisations and local governments in four key areas:
- culture and tradition,
- leisure and recreation,
- science and education,
- health and safety.
JSW Foundation implements its own social programs and provides financial or in-kind support to organisations that apply for support and receive approval in a formal assessment procedure. In 2019, 179 monetary donations totalling PLN 5 909 723.50 were made, while in 2020 this was 233 donations totalling PLN 8 226 859.19 and 103 in-kind donations (at a cost to the Foundation) amounting to PLN 60 244.19 and 27 in-kind donations (at no cost to the Foundation) valued at PLN 66 322.31. In-kind donations (at a cost) are purchases made directly by JSW Foundation using its funds - last year, this included the purchase of 114 air purifiers gifted to 79 kindergartens and pre-kindergartens in the region and the purchase of software for used computer equipment gifted to three orphanages in the region for remote learning during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. In-kind donations at no cost consisted of used computer equipment given to JSW Foundation by JSW IT Systems sp. z o.o. JSW Foundation then gifted 451 items of used equipment to 27 teaching sites in the region.
Out of the 233 cash donations made last year, the largest part of the budget went to the "health and safety" area: PLN 4 273 366.70 (67 projects), due to the specific context of this year, which was marked by the COVID-19 pandemic. The largest number of projects (77) were submitted in the "leisure and recreation" category, but they cost much less: PLN 1 708 266.00. The "science and education" area had 55 projects amounting to PLN 1 478 777.79, and the "culture and tradition" area had 34 donations totalling PLN 766 448.70.
In 2020, JSW Foundation also carried out its own projects related to:
- prostate cancer prevention and early detection - free examinations for JSW employees over the age of 50 financed by JSW Foundation
- "Professor Bolesław Krupiński Chamber of Remembrance" at Central Mining Institute in Katowice,
- educational campaign in kindergartens across the region,
- donation of used computer equipment for schools and orphanages,
- contest to define land-use concept, including a functional and spatial plan, for unused waste rock dump at old mine KWK Moszczenica in Jastrzębie-Zdrój as sports grounds,
- support for hospitals in fight against COVID-19 consisting of purchases of equipment, including ventilators, and essential personal hygiene and protection equipment,
- social campaign "STOP THE HATE - Do not slander miners!,"
- purchase of air purifiers for kindergartens in the region,
- Mobile Laudato Si Embassy - 2nd edition
- 40th anniversary of Jastrzębie Accord - Silesian Trace in 100 Years of Independent Poland.
A total of PLN 723 193.11 was spent on these in-house projects.
More information on the Foundation's activities in 2020 can be found in its report:
Support for sports
JSW Group has been supporting professional and amateur sports for many years. Sport and involvement in it have become an element of JSW's culture and a distinct feature of the JSW brand. As the largest employer in the region and the largest producer of coking coal in the European Union, and also a Polish brand that is close to its communities, JSW feels responsible for supporting popular disciplines that have long traditions in the region in which JSW Group operates.
Hence, the decision many years ago to sponsor sports such as volleyball, hockey, football and handball
All of the sponsorship contracts were valued at more than PLN 17.3 million in 2020.
Along with the sponsored sport clubs (KS Jastrzębski Węgiel, JKH GKS Jastrzębie, GKS 1962 Jastrzębie, GKS Pniówek 74), JSW is also involved in promoting sports among children and youth. This is a matter of long-term thinking, directly derived from the business field. Just as in business, supporting mining-profile classes and schools counteracts the generational gap and leaves room for stable continuing in the coming years, while investing in kids and youth teams will ensure a talent pipeline for professional clubs.