Łukasz Rozdeiczer – Kryszkowski
Graduated from Harvard Law School and the Department of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw. Completed specialized studies organized by the University of Cambridge/the University of Warsaw and the University of London/Chartered Institute of Arbitration.
Licensed to practice as a lawyer in Poland, the United States (New York) and England and Wales (Solicitor). Has extensive experience in business deals and disputes, negotiations and management and as a university lecturer.
Professional career:
- Libella Sp. z o.o. – Deputy CEO for Deals and Investments since February 2012
- BATNA Group Sp. z o.o. – General Counsel and Co-Owner since September 2012
- Mediation Center of the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce – President since August 2011
- Georgetown University Law Center – Adjunct Professor of Law since September 2004
- Independent Law Firm (cooperation with Clifford Chance until August 2012 and PROFITIA Management Consultants and the BATNA Group from September 2012) since September 2008
- London University, Queen Mary College – Visiting Lecturer since August 2008
- Mediator in civil-law and commercial cases (in 2003-2004, Member of the Board of the Harvard Mediation Program in Boston, MA) since 2002
- Lecturer of postgraduate courses at the Warsaw School of Economics, the University of Warsaw and the Catholic University of Lublin (fields: negotiations, mediation, ADRs, procurement and management)
- Clifford Chance (London and Warsaw) – Senior Associate 2007-2011
- Libella Sp. z o.o. – Chairman of the Supervisory Board 2008-2012
- World Bank, International Finance Corporation (Washington, DC) – Consultant 2005-2006
- Harvard Law School (Boston, MA), Program on Negotiation, Senior Hewlett Fellow on Law and Negotiations;
- Research Associate since September 2004 - 2002-2006
- CMS Cameron McKenna (Warsaw) – Associate 1999-2001
Engaged in the provision of community services, e.g. as Vice President of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation (since 2009) and member of the Executive Board of the Club of Catholic Intellectuals in Warsaw (Vice President in 2008-2012). Author of numerous publications on negotiations and dispute resolution.