
The Nomination and Compensation Committee was formed by the Supervisory Board on 24 October 2012. The Nomination and Compensation Committee is an advisory and opinion-giving body in respect of the Supervisory Board and has been formed for the purpose of presenting opinions and proposals to the Supervisory Board on how to shape the governance structure of JSW S.A., including issues related to organizational solutions, the compensation system, the level of compensation and the selection of managers with the qualifications needed to build the success of the Capital Group.
The rules of its operation and the tasks of the Nomination and Compensation Committee have been determined by the Bylaws of the Nomination and Compensation Committee in the JSW S.A. Supervisory Board as adopted by the Supervisory Board.
The scope of the Committee's operation covers giving opinions and conducting analyses to support the Supervisory Board in the performance of its duties defined by the Articles of Association in respect of the overall compensation policy for Management Board members and upper level management at JSW S.A. and to articulate recommendations on appointing Management Board members.
The following tasks in particular fall among the powers and duties of the Nomination and Compensation Committee:
- recruiting and hiring Management Board members by drafting and preparing draft versions of documents and processes to be submitted to the Supervisory Board for approval,
- preparing draft versions of contracts and other model documents in connection with employing Management Board members and overseeing the performance of the contractual obligations taken by the parties,
- overseeing the implementation of the Management Board's compensation system, in particular preparing settlement documents concerning variable and bonus elements of compensation for the purpose of submitting recommendations to the Supervisory Board,
- monitoring and periodically analyzing the compensation system for the management of JSW S.A. and if necessary articulating recommendations for the Supervisory Board,
- overseeing the proper implementation of perks for the Management Board stemming from their employment contracts such as: insurance, cars, apartments and others.
In 2012, the Nomination and Compensation Committee was comprised of:
As at 13March, the Nomination and Compensation Committee was comprised of: