
The Corporate Governance Committee was established by the Supervisory Board 29 August 2012. The Corporate Governance Committee is an advisory and opinion-giving body for the Supervisory Board and has been established to enhance the effectiveness of the supervisory activities performed by the Supervisory Board in respect of applying corporate governance principles in the Capital Group and compliance between these principles and the principles laid down by the Warsaw Stock Exchange in the Best Practices of Companies Listed on the WSE.
The operational principles and tasks of the Corporate Governance Committee were defined by the Supervisory Board in the Bylaws of the Corporate Governance Committee of the Supervisory Board of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A.
The scope of the Committee's operation covers opinion-giving and analytical activities to support the Supervisory Board in the performance of its control and supervisory duties defined by the articles of association in conjunction with the corporate governance principles applied by the Capital Group.
The Committee's powers and obligations include the following in particular:
- evaluating the implementation of the corporate governance principles in the Capital Group,
- submitting recommendations to the Supervisory Board on implementing corporate governance principles in the Capital Group,
- giving opinions on normative documents pertaining to the corporate governance principles implemented in the Capital Group,
- evaluating reports pertaining to the observance of corporate governance principles prepared for WSE.
In 2012 and as at 13 March, the Corporate Governance Committee was comprised of: