
In response to the needs of the environment and the people living in the areas of our mining activities, we have adopted a set of principles to help us deliver assistance to those areas and people that need it most, in line with JSW’s strategy and mission statement.
JSW S.A.’s commitment to the region involves, above all, working to keep the existing jobs and to create new ones. This means undertaking local and regional initiatives aimed at stimulating economic activity and encouraging the establishment of new businesses and the diversification of the region’s economic structure. In addition, our partnership with local government institutions results in joined initiatives based on mutual support.
JSW is the largest employer in the region. The Company and the companies closely related to it play an important role in ensuring welfare stability of a large part of the region’s population.
We want our activity, experience and leading position in coking coal production to contribute to the development of the towns, cities and regions where our company operates. We are committed to supporting interesting, innovative and effective solutions in areas such as education, health, ecology, culture and sport, and to providing assistance to those people living in the region who need our assistance the most.
Herefore, JSW S.A.’s regional policy involves, above all, undertaking initiatives aimed at:
Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. is a co-founder and member of the Founders’ Board of the Mining Families Charity Foundation in Katowice. Since 1997, it has been bringing help to the families of miners who died in work accidents, to disabled miners, and to other miners’ families in a difficult situation for various reasons, especially to those suffering from poverty or in need of immediate help.
The objectives of the Mining Families Charity Foundation also include: