
We believe that the foundation of a modern and stable company is its people. Together we create a place to work. As a company, we respect and adhere to international standards on human rights and international labor standards, treating it as a fundamental and universal. We comply with the prohibition of discrimination based on: race, social status, ethnic origin, religion, handicap, disability, sex, sexual orientation, union or political affiliation, age, or marital status. We guarantee freedom of opinion, conscience and religion, and freedom of thought and expression. JSW is a place free from any derogatory practice with regard to human dignity.
The most important principles of our company's relationship with the customer are: responsibility for the success of customers and the respect and openness to their needs. We provide our customers with the highest quality product, which is the result of work of people with unique skills, competence and experience. We work with leading research centers and research both in Poland and abroad. We make every effort to ensure that the delivered product meets the highest standards and expectations of our customers.
We benefit from the natural resources that are the common heritage, keeping in mind that our impact on the environment shall be possibly harmless. We promote the green lifestyle among our employees and business partners, conducting educational campaigns for ecology.
We pursue effective management of all the company activities in order to meet the expectations of our stakeholders. We have implemented a quality management system, health and occupational safety and information security. Application of the principles contained in it contributes to the growth of trust between the company and its customers and suppliers. Also strengthen our image in the eyes of all stakeholders interested in our business in the areas of products quality and services, the impact on the environment, health and occupational safety, and also ensures information security and data protection
Acting in compliance with the Code of Best Practices for WSE Listed Companies, as a listed company, we operate according to the principle of "comply or explain", which is a mechanism for the transfer of unambiguous information about the infringement of good practice.
Our priority is to build relationships with partners that is based on the principles of fair competition. Our decisions are business justified. We actively counteract against the lack of transparent practices in the selection of subcontractors and suppliers.
We pay particular attention to good relations with local governments operate. In terms of relations with the public sector units (central and local government, utility companies, Treasury owned companies) internal regulations are applied and the Law on Public Procurement.