
This construction project is a result of the implementation of decisions made under the “Clean Air for Silesia” Research and Development Program carried out by Polski Koks S.A., JastrzębskaSpółkaWęglowa S.A., the Silesian University of Technology, the Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal and the Boiler Cluster Association. The primary objective of the Program is to combine the scientific and technical potential of the parties to the agreement for the execution of research, development and technological tasks in the field of pro-ecological combustion of products of the JSW Coal and Coke Group. The plant will produce ecological solid fuels intended for public utilities and private consumers. The expected date of completion of the construction project is mid-2013. In 2012, PLN 0.7 million was spent on its execution. The remaining planned capital expenditures under the project are estimated at PLN 18.9 million.