
WZK Victoria continued its work started in 2007 on the construction of coking battery no. 6 together with associated process units and auxiliary facilities. Execution of the project will allow the Coking Plant to increase its production capacity and perform overhauls of the other batteries. At the first stage of the project, capital expenditures were incurred for the construction of ancillary infrastructure for the future battery no. 6, including expenditures on the construction of a biochemical post-process water treatment facility, the construction of a coal yard and other tasks. In 2012, as part of project execution, the construction of a coal yard with a storage capacity of 30 thousand tons was completed and a final decision on the granting of a construction permit for coking battery no. 6 was obtained. The expected date of completion of the construction project is 2016. In 2012, in connection with the execution of the construction project, expenditures of PLN 6.3 million were incurred. The remaining planned capital expenditures under the project are estimated at PLN 152.1 million.