Enabling ways to report information on irregularities is embedded within the organizational culture of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. and is a demonstration of concern for the success of both the Company and the JSW Group as a whole.
The irregularity reporting procedure adopted by the JSW Group has introduced uniform rules for reporting potential irregularities within the JSW Group. Any irregularities may be reported in person (to the compliance unit or local compliance coordinator) or via the e-mail address set up for general communication regarding compliance issues at or any of the dedicated e-mail addresses for each company, in accordance with the attachment to the Procedure. Keeping in mind the need to ensure the ability to provide possibly the most detailed and accurate description of potential irregularities, we are attaching below the irregularity report form, also in editable format. Any submitted reports will be treated as confidential and do not require the author’s identity to be disclosed.
This solution aligns with the “Standards recommended for compliance management systems as regards preventing corruption and protecting whistleblowers in Warsaw Stock Exchange-listed companies”.
JSW Anti corruption policy Format: pdf | 370 KB