Project name: European Mining in the Greenand Digital Era
Contest: “A digitised, resource-efficient and resilient industry 2022” (HORIZON-CL4-2022-RESILIENCE-01) within the framework of the Horizon Europe program
Purpose of the project: MASTERMINE creates the structure of technology and methodology, which are aimed at effecting change at three different levels: Culture, Strategy and Tactics. The engagement of Polish partners of the project (JSW S.A. and GIG) will focus on developing a smart network supporting the optimum methane drainage of hard coal mines. As part of the work, the network concept will be developed, which will include both hardware needs as well as the necessary software. The project should complete with modernization of the existing methane drainage network in order to enable control from the surface or autonomic operation based on data from a properly set up system of sensors.
The project is implemented by an international consortium comprised of 22 partners:
- Instituto Technologico De Aragon, Spain – Project Coordinator
- CORE Innovation Centre NPO, Greece
- Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, Greece
- Fraunhofer Gesellscaft EV, Germany
- Central Mining Institute, Poland
- Dimokritio Panepistimio Thrakis, Greece
- Tampereen Korkeakoulusaatio SR, Finland
- Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis, Greece
- University of the Witwatersrand Johannerburg, RSA
- SubTerra Ingenieria SL, Spain
- Aurora Geo L.P, Greece
- Libra AI Technologies Private IKE MLI, Greece
- Stratagem Energy LTD, Cyprus
- TerraDue SRL, Italy
- DARES Technology SL, Spain
- DigitalTwin Technology GMBH, Germany
- Tapojarvi Oy, Finland
- Tharsis Mining Sociaeda Limitada, Spain
- TERNA MAG S.A., Greece
- Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A., Poland
- Eticas Research & Innovation, Spain
Project value: EUR 13,840,490.00
JSW S.A.’s share in project value: EUR 562,263.00
Subsidy amount: EUR 11,963,526.00
Subsidy for JSW S.A.: EUR 393,584.00
Project execution period: 2023-2027