Data for 2020 years

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Financial and property standing of Capital Group of JSW

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Unit As at 30.09.2020 As at 30.09.2019
Total assets PLN mm 13 985,6 14 298,4
Non-current assets PLN mm 11 116,2 11 488,5
Current assets PLN mm 2 869,4 2 809,9
Equity PLN mm 7 751,8 8 949,2
Liabilities PLN mm 6 233,8 5 349,2
1 January to
30 September 2020
3 quarters 2019
1 January to
30 September 2019
Sales revenues PLN mm 5 183,7 6 861,4
Gross sales profit (loss) PLN mm  (158,8) 1 656,9
Operating profit (loss) PLN mm  (1 234,1) 956,3
EBITDA PLN mm  (414,2) 1 685,2
EBITDA margin %  (8,0) 24,6
Pre-tax profit (loss) PLN mm  (1 320,8) 904,5
Net profit (loss) PLN mm  (1 088,6) 704,4
Total comprehensive income PLN mm  (1 099,6) 700,8
CASH FLOW STATEMENT Unit 3 quarters 2020
1 January to
30 September 2020
3 quarters 2019
1 January to
30 September 2019
Net cash flow on operating activity PLN mm 431,6 933,1
Net cash flow on investing activity PLN mm  (421,0)  (1 802,4)
- including sale of financial assets mln zł 1 191,4 -
Net cash flow on financing activity PLN mm 248,4  (211,9)
Change in net cash and cash equivalents PLN mm 259,0  (1 081,2)
FINANCIAL RATIOS   As at 30.09.2020 As at 30.09.2019
Current liquidity   0,97 0,98
Quick liquidity   0,63 0,61
Total debt ratio   0,45 0,37
Debt to equity ratio   0,80 0,60
Fixed capital to non-current assets ratio   0,89 0,90
FINANCIAL RATIOS Unit As at 30.09.2020 As at 30.09.2019
Net return on sales %  (21,0) 10,3
Total return on assets (ROA) %  (7,8) 4,9
Return on equity (ROE) %  (14,0) 7,9

Source: Additional information for the consolidated quarterly report of the Jastrzebska Spółka Węglowa S.A. Capital Group for the period of 9 months ended 30 September 2020

Financial and property standing of Capital Group of JSW

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Unit As at 30.06.2020 As at 30.06.2019
Total assets PLN mm 13 918,9 14 345,3
Non-current assets PLN mm 11 264,8 11 132,8
Current assets PLN mm 2 654,1 3 212,5
Equity PLN mm 7 857,9 9 003,0
Liabilities PLN mm 6 061,0 5 342,3
period from 01.01.2020 to 30.06.2020
1 half 2019
period from 01.01.2019 to 30.06.2019
Sales revenues PLN mm 3 453,7 4 696,9
Gross sales profit (loss) PLN mm  (79,1) 1 125,5
Operating profit (loss) PLN mm  (1 122,3) 695,8
EBITDA PLN mm  (576,3) 1 171,1
EBITDA margin %  (16,7) 24,9
Pre-tax profit (loss) PLN mm  (1 186,0) 680,0
Net profit (loss) PLN mm  (973,8) 547,5
Total comprehensive income PLN mm  (993,5) 553,9
CASH FLOW STATEMENT Unit 1 half 2020
period from 01.01.2020 to 30.06.2020
1 half 2019
period from 01.01.2019 to 30.06.2019
Net cash flow on operating activity PLN mm 93,6 971,4
Net cash flow on investing activity PLN mm  (259,0)  (1 346,2)
Net cash flow on financing activity PLN mm 321,0 29,2
Change in net cash and cash equivalents PLN mm 155,6  (345,6)
FINANCIAL RATIOS   As at 30.06.2020 As at 30.06.2019
Current liquidity   0,98 1,10
Quick liquidity   0,58 0,81
Total debt ratio   0,44 0,37
Debt to equity ratio   0,77 0,59
Fixed capital to non-current assets ratio   0,89 0,93
FINANCIAL RATIOS Unit As at 30.06.2020 As at 30.06.2019
Net return on sales %  (28,2) 11,7
Total return on assets (ROA) %  (7,0) 3,8
Return on equity (ROE) %  (12,4) 6,1

Source: Management Board Report on the activity of the Jastrzebska Spółka Węglowa S.A. Capital Group for the period of 6 months ended 30 June 2020

Financial and property standing of Capital Group of JSW

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Unit 31.03.2020 31.03.2019 31.03.2018 31.03.2017 31.03.2016 31.03.2015 31.03.2014
Total assets PLN mm 14 693,1 14 079,5 12 706,0 11 967,6 11 716,8 15 025,2 13 525,9
Non-current assets PLN mm 11 780,4 10 788,4 9 649,4 8 838,1 10 289,9 13 088,6 10 415,0
Current assets PLN mm 2 912,7 3 291,1 3 056,6 3 129,5 1 426,9 1 936,6 3 110,9
Equity PLN mm 8 591,9 8 851,4 7 493,9 4 950,3 3 877,9 7 008,6 8 261,4
Liabilities PLN mm 6 101,2 5 228,1 5 212,1 7 017,3 7 838,9 8 016,6 5 264,5
STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Unit I quarter 2020 I quarter 2019 I quarter 2018 I quarter 2017 I quarter 2016 I quarter 2015 I quarter 2014
Sales revenues PLN mm 1 966,0 2 488,1 2510,6 2 376,00 1 402,20 1 810,1 1 663,7
Gross sales profit PLN mm 114,2 725,4 1 086,6 1 131,9 70,1 21,1 118,7
Operating profit (loss) PLN mm  (233,8) 507,6 951,9 1 046,6  (114,8) (205,4)  (90,2)
EBITDA PLN mm 50,5 728,8 1 135,8 1 239,7 112 109,2 210,3
EBITDA margin % 2,6 29,3 45,2 52,2 8,0 6,0 12,6
Pre-tax profit (loss) PLN mm  (254,2) 504,7 940,4 1 062,9  (131,6) (240,8)  (114,9)
Net profit (loss) PLN mm  (208,9) 409,8 757,9 863,0  (59,5) (196,7)  (88,5)
Total comprehensive income PLN mm  (259,6) 406,4 753,9 880,7  (56,3) (227,0)  (88,5)
CASH FLOW STATEMENT Unit I quarter 2020 I quarter 2019 I quarter 2018 I quarter 2017 I quarter 2016 I quarter 2015 I quarter 2014
Net cash flow on operating activity PLN mm  (78,7) 761,3 638,6 792 126,7 163,7 37,3
Net cash flow on investing activity PLN mm  (379,7)  (620,6)  (317,5)  (530,4)  (279,8) (355,9) (466,3)
Net cash flow on financing activity PLN mm 374,6  (141,4)  (127,6)  (71,6)  (15,9) 40,3 (70,3)
Change in net cash and cash equivalents PLN mm  (83,8) (0,7) 193,5 190,0  (169,0) (151,9) (498,9)
FINANCIAL RATIOS   31.03.2020 31.03.2019 43190 31.03.2017 31.03.2016 31.03.2015 31.03.2014
Current liquidity   1,05 1,10 1,31 1,66 0,37 0,52 1,56
Quick liquidity   0,65 0,88 1,08 1,40 0,23 0,39 1,27
Total debt ratio   0,42 0,37 0,41 0,59 0,67 0,53 0,39
Debt to equity ratio   0,71 0,59 0,70 1,42 2,02 1,14 0,64
Fixed capital to non-current assets ratio   0,91 0,93 0,92 0,81 0,49 0,79 1,03
FINANCIAL RATIOS Unit I quarter 2020 I quarter 2019 I quarter 2018 I quarter 2017 I quarter 2016 I quarter 2015 I quarter 2014
Net return on sales %  (10,6) 16,5 30,2 36,3  (4,2) (10,9)  (5,3)
Total return on assets (ROA) %  (1,4) 2,9 6,0 7,2  (0,5) (1,3)  (0,7)
Return on equity (ROE) %  (2,4) 4,6 10,1 17,4  (1,5) (2,8)  (1,1)

Source: Additional information for the consolidated quarterly report of the Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. Capital Group for the period of 3 months ended 31 March 2020