The main source of greenhouse gas emissions from JSW Group’s operations is methane, which is removed for safety reasons from mining pits (approx. 74% of the carbon footprint) and carbon dioxide from combustion processes, mainly in the coke segment. The key to the reduction of methane emissions is capture and economic utilization of methane for energy production, a process that we have been developing for years now.

We strive to reduce our carbon footprint by 30% by 2030 (scope 1&2 vs. 2018) and to achieve climate neutrality no later than by 2050.
We also want to minimize our other emissions into the atmosphere.

Previous initiatives:
- Capture and economic utilization of methane to generate energy.
- Execution of the project entitled “Economic Utilization of Methane” (increase of power generating capacity).
- Modernization of infrastructure (including coke oven batteries).
- Construction of a 28 MWe power unit
- Enhancement of energy efficiency.
- Investments in photovoltaics projects

- Adoption of GHG reduction goals aligned with the Paris Agreement.
- Launch of the Methane Emission Reduction Program (MERP)
- Bringing facilities into compliance with environmental emission requirements of best available techniques (BAT).
- Continuing optimization of energy consumption and utilization across the Group’s operations.
- Seeking partners to develop own renewable energy capacity.
With a view to keeping pace with its more ambitious objectives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and implement new guidelines on the disclosure of information related to climate change, the JSW Group has been conducting integrated calculation and reporting of its carbon footprint since 2017.
The carbon footprint (CF) is calculated on the basis of international standards – GHG Protocol Standard. Currently, the carbon footprint is measured annually and takes into account greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated directly (scope 1) and indirectly (scope 2) as a result of the activity of the entire organization. Carbon footprint is measured in tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (Mg CO2e), which enables comparison of emissions of different gases on a common scale.
The purpose of carbon footprint calculation for the JSW Group is to measure and monitor greenhouse gas emissions and to make efforts to optimize energy and fuel consumption as well as reduce or eliminate high-emission and energy-intensive solutions. On the other hand, being aware of our carbon footprint allows us to determine our individual impact on climate and continue the process of reducing our emissions.

Our overriding goal according to the Environmental Strategy is to reduce emissions by 27% already by 2026 (relative to the base year 2018), which the Group will achieve through planned projects and using known and available technologies.
Since 2018, JSW Group has been running a dedicated program entitled "Economic Utilization of Methane" (EUM), aimed at reducing methane emissions into the atmosphere and utilizing it for energy production.
Another program planned for reducing methane emissions is “Methane Emission Reduction” (MERP), which aims to increase methane capture to 50% and methane utilization to 95%.
In 2024, the Group plans to update its emission forecasts and on that basis it will select further projects for the period of 2026-2030 in order to maintain the reduction levels accepted in the strategy based on the Paris Agreement.
- Continue to optimize energy consumption.
- Develop own RES capacity and seek partners to generate power from renewable energy sources.
- Implement innovative, developmental initiatives related to emission reductions – VAM, CCUS, hydrogen and others.