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Rescue operation in the Knurów Section

UPDATE: 6:45 p.m. Nine hours into the rescue operation, the rescue workers managed to reach the buried miner. Unfortunately, a physician pronounced his death. Our colleague was 40 years old. He orphaned two children aged 6 and 11.

photo: Dawid Lach

The rescue workers are searching for the miner who was buried in the lower roadway of longwall 28 some 850 meters under the surface.

This event took place at 9:40 a.m. The missing miner was probably working on dismantling the roadway. After unfastening one of the parts of the shield, loose rock fell on him uncontrollably and buried him.

1:44 p.m.
Rescue workers are currently securing the accident site. They are installing temporary shields to prevent any more rock from falling. When they finish the work to safeguard the site, the rescue workers will start to remove the rubble from the roadway where the missing miner is located. Air is being constantly pumped into the rubble.

4:21 p.m.
The rescue workers started to sift through the rubble under which the missing miner is trapped. The rescue workers are constantly facing a cave-in risk.

Five rescue crews are participating in the rescue operation.