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Almost 1.4 billion of taxes and fees

|   Investors Relations - common

In 2015 JSW S.A. paid almost 1.4 billion of taxes and fees. Through the revenue office the state budget received more than 335 million of personal income tax, corporate income tax and VAT.

[Translate to English:] fot. Dawid Lach

- Mining creates jobs, but it is also a significant source of income for the state budget and local governments. All the undisputed taxes are settled fairly and timely. The money supplies the bloodstream of the Polish economy - says Tomasz Gawlik, CEO of JSW.

Part of the money paid as income taxes goes later in an indirect way to gminas  [boroughs] and powiats [county level units]  in the wake of the employees of JSW. Municipal budgets got in the past year more than 88 million of the real estate tax, and nearly 22 million of the mining fee. The remaining 14 million of the mining fee was transferred by the company to the National Fund for Environmental Protection. A significant item in 2015 were also payments to the State Fund for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities - nearly 27.5 million.

In 2015, JSW paid nearly 921 million as contributions to the Social Insurance. Other taxes and fees, such as the fee for perpetual use of land, ecological fees, excise duties, taxes on civil law transactions and stamp duty accounted for about 11 million.