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An Offer Unique In the Annals of the Privatisation of Polish Enterprises

Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa would once more like to announce the information concerning the share packages offered to the Employees of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. and its subsidiaries.

Furthermore, we would also like to remind you that this offer directed to the JSW staff is unique in the history of Polish enterprises privatisations. This is because, in the event of a potential public offering, the shares of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa will be distributed to all the current employees of our Group, meaning both the eligible and the ineligible employees, as well as the staff of Kombinat Koksochemiczny Zabrze, which is currently being incorporated into JSW.
We should also remind you that shares for ineligible Employees included in the employee package will be financed with JSW funds.
We ask you to peruse the offer and consider the benefits it may bring.
We ask our employees to feel free to analyse thoroughly these proposals, as well as the benefits that might result from them. These benefits are advantageous both for the employees themselves, and for the Company that they chose to work for and in whose hands they have placed their future.
We should ask ourselves: What is this dispute about? After all, the demands of the social side have been, ultimately, included in the proposed package:
- The State Treasury retains no less than 50% + 1 share in JSW.
- Employee shares are distributed to eligible persons.
- Gratuitous shares are distributed to JSW Group employees who are not statutorily eligible to acquire shares free of charge.
- Guarantee of employment for 5 years.
- The creation of a dedicated tranche of shares in the public offering directed to the employees of the JSW Group and of KK Zabrze.
- A declaration of increase in the salaries, in the amount stipulated by the staff, as part of a motivation-based salary system.