During the XXXII scientific and technical seminar titled " IT Tools For Forecasting and Monitoring. Training in the mining hazards - theory and practice", organized by SITG Rybnik Branch under the patronage of the President of the State Mining Authority and the Mayor of Rybnik within the framework of the XLI Technology Days, proposal was made to make the JSW platform available to employees of other mining companies, and university students. As it turns out, the platform “ Foreman Zone and more "became an inspiration for other mining entrepreneurs who have decided to educate their employees via the Internet.
The platform covers a wide range of tools and information in order to deepen knowledge and improve the professional qualifications and, among others, information on ascertaining the qualifications to perform the operations in the mining plant, the texts of legal acts, collections of exam samples questions, tests, enabling the updating and testing their knowledge in the field of mining regulations, labor law and health and safety regulations, extracts of the most important mining regulations, summaries of regulations for foremen, demonstrative videos and presentations from various fields of mining, visualization incidents and accidents and prevention used in mines, occurring threats, repair manuals for machinery and mining equipment, brochures and leaflets on safety and first aid.
The materials published on the platform, " Foreman Zone and more " are prepared not only by the employees of JSW S.A., but also from resources of the State Mining Authority, the regional mining authorities in Rybnik and Gliwice, the Central Mine Rescue Station S.A. in Bytom, the Central Mining Institute in Katowice and the School of Underground Mining in Krakow. Collection of questions and tests are derived from the resources of JSW S.A., the State Mining Authority in Katowice, OUG ( Regional Mining Authority) in Rybnik and OUG in Gliwice. Where necessary, they are supplemented and updated. All this is illustrated in a novel and attractive manner. The platform has open character and is revised as necessary.
The online competition in the field of knowledge of the rules and health and safety regulations operates in addition to lots of useful information on the platform. The winners of the first three places in a given month and the first place in the annual edition receive attractive financial rewards. Every month additional prizes are received by the five participants who gained less points.
Let us remind that" Foreman Zone and more " was the first in the Polish mining online platform for training and education. In the past two years it has been recognized and awarded several times, among others, it received the title Mining Success of the Year at the School of Underground Mining and the first prize at the National Contest for the Improvement of Working Conditions. Dedicated to the platform and then spread in internet educational game "Work at the mine" was awarded the third degree award in this year's edition of the same competition.
Platform received recommendation of the State Mining Authority, who posted extensive information about it on its website, in the "Health and safety in the mining industry - best practices" where logical site plan was presented and it has been stated that "the platform could prove to be a breakthrough in miners education on health and safety and help reduce accidents in mining plants "and also that" it can be an inspiration to other entrepreneurs in modernizing mining crew training in health and safety. "
Foreman Zone inspires and serves as a model for others
Launched at JSW in January 2014 the first training and educational platform website in Polish mining "Foreman Zone and more" attracts unwavering interest not only among the company's employees, but also institutions and universities.