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Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa Supports Young Talent

On Monday, 7 November, the students and teachers of the King John Sobieski 6th School Complex in Jastrzębie-Zdrój presented to the President of JSW, Jarosław Zagórowski, a letter of gratitude from the Minister of Science and Higher Education for the Company’s sponsorship of the participation of the 6th School Complex’s project Innovative Technician Portal at the Brussels Fair.

[Translate to English:] Na zdjęciu: uczniowie ZS nr 6 – Jakub Król, Marcin Grygierek i Patryk Domagalik, opiekunowie – dyrektor szkoły Jerzy Maduzia, zastępca dyr. Krzysztof Smyczek oraz inż. Dariusz Radajewski, a także Artur Wojtków, Z-ca Prezesa Zarządu JSW ds. Pracy i Polityki Społecznej oraz Andrzej Sobczak, kierownik Zespołu Zatrudnienia i Szkoleń JSW. Fot.: Agnieszka Materna

During the meeting, the young inventors showcased before the representatives of the JSW management board their innovative projects, which included A Virtual Mine, High Voltage Lab, and the "Life Project,” which allows disabled persons to remain in touch with the outside world.

“It is with great pleasure that we give our support to the initiatives of these young people, both to ones relating to innovative research and ones that promote scientific achievements of global importance,” states Jarosław Zagórowski, the President of JSW S.A.

On 15 November three of “Sobieski’s” alumni, Michał Walczak, Janusz Stulfig, and Marcin Kiwak, and their tutors leave for the 60th Anniversary Edition of the BRUSSELS INNOVA International Fair for Innovation, Research, and New Technologies, Brussels 2011. An interesting note: one of them, Michał Walczak, is taking up a position at the Zofiówka mine, a part of JSW.

Our best wishes go to the young inventors!


In the photograph: students of the 6th School Complex: Jakub Król, Marcin Grygierek, and Patryk Jakub, and teachers: school principal Jerzy Maduzia, deputy principal Krzysztof Smyczek and Dariusz Radajewski, Eng., as well as Artur Wojtków, Vice-President of the Board of JSW for Labour and Social Policy and Andrzej Sobczak, the head of the JSW Employment and Trainings Team.

Photograph by: Agnieszka Materna