“Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” is the title of the UN resolution adopted in 2015 by 193 countries. The agenda covers 17 sustainable development goals and 169 targets. The national coordinator of the implementation of the Resolution is the Ministry of Development and JSW’s accession to the partnership was announced during the hird edition of the Agenda 2030 Stakeholder Forum. During the conference the companies made specific undertakings.
– We expect that the partnership will offer the possibility of establishing relations with other entities, making the actions taken could be even more effective. We also hope that with the actions, which we have already started to implement, we can better show Poland’s contribution to attainment of global goals. JSW believes that thanks to reducing the carbon footprint and offering innovative products we have an opportunity to become a provider of global solutions - says Włodzimierz Hereźniak, President of the JSW SA Management Board.
JSW, together with the entire JSW Group, is undergoing a transformation towards low-emission economy, becoming involved in R&D projects aimed at offering innovative products of future technologies. These include hydrogen technologies, allowing for avoiding harmful emissions in transport, nanotechnology and carbon composites, thanks to which structures (used, among others, in the automotive industry or aviation) can be lighter and more durable, carbon adsorbents used in environmental protection, or other materials obtained as a result of lengthening JSW Group’s product chain, especially in the area of hydrocarbons.
The Company’s governing bodies are aware of the impact of its activity on the social and natural environment, including the significant carbon footprint. Therefore they want to be active participants of the transformation towards a climate-neutral economy, in accordance with the assumptions of the Green Deal and the European legal regime. Today, the Company faces a number of huge and costly challenges related to this area which may obtain the support of the Justice Fund. At the same time, for many years JSW has been striving to reduce methane emissions, utilize it economically along with a number of other by-products of mining and coking operations (e.g. coke oven gas). It also conducts desalination of mine water on unprecedented scale, producing clean salt and positive environmental effect in water management. JSW reclaims and revitalizes post-mining sites and actively participates in the life of the local communities in the areas of its operations. In addition to the activity of the JSW Foundation, it also conducts a number of projects addressed to the mining communities, including children (JSW for Children, Knowledge Mine). It takes special care of local orphanages and supports education, with special focus on mining classes.