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JSW handed over PLN 220 million to local governments

PLN 220 million in form of taxes and charges was gained by local governments in 2011 as a result of JSW activity. Additional PLN 12,4 million was allocated to support medicine, education and sport in the region. Part of the sum was given to charity. PLN 100 million is also spent yearly for environmental protection.

The money coming from mining enterprises is vital source of income not only for the local governments but also country’s budget. Communes are liable to property tax, land perpetual usufruct payment and also part of extraction payment. In 2011 JSW gave PLN 87,8 million in the form of perpetual usufruct payment and means of transport tax. Nearly PLN 3 million for perpetual usufruct payment, 5,8 million for civil – legal activities and nearly 15,2 million for extraction payment. Indirectly – following the workers – part of income tax returns to communes through revenue office. Communes have the right to participation in 39% income tax from natural persons and 6,71% tax from legal persons. These are significant amounts, as in 2011 the legal persons income tax was 510,7 million,  and the same tax for natural persons was 191,8 million. JSW funds are directed to 20 local governments. The biggest part is received by Jastrzebie - Zdrój, Pawłowice and Suszec due to the fact that under these territories intensive coal excavation is being carried out. The mining activity in Poland is regulated by three laws: geological and mining law, environment protection law and finally the act on planning and spatial developing. JSW closely complies with the regulations spending dozens of million PLN yearly on the prevention and the liquidation of mining damages.  In 2008 PLN 57,5 million have been spent for this purpose, in 2011 – 85,6 million, and it is forecasted that this year the expenses will reach nearly 93 million. Mining company is obliged to repair the damage and bring the initial condition of the property. In case the mending cannot be carried out lump sum compensation is paid. The damage is estimated by independent experts only according to applicable procedures. Also forests, fields and other farm lands are taken into account as mine pays also for the losses in crops and sowings. It is not necessary to fight for the payment in courts for over 98% of repairs is done as  settlement between the mine and property owner. Not quite 2% of all cases which are taken into court is slight percentage considering the seriousness of the matter.

- We always try to reach the compromise which reconcile interests of the greatest employer and entrepreneur in the region  with the business and the sense of security of local society. The people have right to worry about their future and our investments effects  but local governments should not obstruct the development of such a great company of vital meaning for economy. Without investing in new deposits the company will have to reduce the output which means liquidation of thousands of workplaces. The concession rudiments for mineral excavation are strictly stated by law and environmental protection is discussed on each step of preparing documents. According to applicable procedures mine sites planning are opinionated by majors or town’s presidents – says Andrzej Tor, the JSW’s Vice – President of the Management Board for Technical Matters.

The workplaces are certain form of compensation for the inhabitants of Jastrzębie – Zdrój. After the hard time of 90’s and growing unemployment among miners, the JSW mines again employ new workers who live nearby and even as far as 100 km from the mines – in Żywiec district. The greatest part of the mine staff are Jastrzębie – Zdrój inhabitants ( 28,79% of company’s workers), next group lives in Żory ( 10,17%) finally the people from Pawłowice (8,15%).

Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa – starting from 2004 – employs yearly from 612 to 2443 people (record-breaking year 2008). Last year 1423 people got the job.

JSW employs over 22,8 thousand workers, and almost 30 thousand within the whole JSW Group.