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JSW has signed a preliminary agreement to buy the mine Knurów-Szczygłowice

|   Investors Relations - common

On April 10, 2014, there was a conclusion of the preliminary agreement between JSW and Kompania Węglowa for the purchase of the "Knurów-Szczygłowice" Coal Mine. The letter of intent was signed on November 8, 2013. The agreement should be finalized by July 31 this year. Selling price amounts to PLN 1,490,000,000.

[Translate to English:] fot.: Tomasz Siemieniec

- We been interested for many years in Knurów –Szczygłowice Mine, but  Kompania Węglowa was not interested in selling it. JSW is a kn own worldwide producer of coking coal and coke. Professionals working in JSW know the market and have very good business contacts. We are experienced when it comes to the provision and exploitation of coal deposits. In contrast Kompania Węglowa needs funds to mitigate the impact of the crisis on the coal market and the implementation of the investment program. With this acquisition we will expand our base of resources and will be able to increase the output. It is a strategic project for JSW. All the raw materials companies in the  world are trying to expand their resource base, especially when it comes to strategic raw material, which in our case is coking coal - emphasizes Jarosław Zagórowski, President of JSW SA.

The production capacity of the mine " Knurów - Szczyglowice " is estimated at 3.8 million tons of coal per year, including about 40% of coking coal, which is core material for JSW. Resources of coal amount to 1.26 billion tons, and recoverable reserves 375.1 million tons , including 119.7 million tones under the currently valid licenses. Such resources ensure the functioning of the mine for over 80 years.

Before the conclusion of the final agreement , both parties must meet a number of conditions, among other things, the buyer must obtain the consent of the UOKiK and ensure the financing of the transaction. Both parties must also obtain the required decisions , permits, approvals and licenses, public administration, courts and other entities.

JSW may waive the preliminary agreement  if, the mining or construction disaster occurs in the mine prior to finalizing the transaction, or other event resulting in a reduction in the production capacity of the mine for a period of at least six months by 15% or more compared to the conditions established in the technical - economic plan.