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Koksownia Przyjaźń a joint-stock company

|   Investors Relations - common

Forming the part of JSW S.A. Group coke plant Przyjaźń in Dąbrowa Górnicza is a limited liability company and on 2nd of January this year, it was transformed into a joint- stock company.

-This is the result of two years of  efforts to organize the structure of our capital group. Changing the legal status of Coke Plant Limited allows to strengthen the company's position in the market as a result of formal confirmation of the rank of a large company. The scale of its activities such as its revenues, the value of assets and capital places it among the largest Polish companies, and in such case, the dominant form of legal organization is the joint-stock company -  emphasizes Jarosław Zagórowski, CEO of JSW SA.

 Thanks to transformation of the legal form of  Koksownia Przyjaźń,  it has been adapted to other coke companies of the JSW SA group, which is extremely important for the planned implementation of the integration procedures in this segment of production.