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Meeting with the Heads of coal companies

On 3 February 2016 President of the State Mining Authority Mirosław Koziura met the presidents of the management boards of coal companies.

fot. WUG

The trends in the work security of individual entrepreneurs were presented during the meeting in the context of the changes taking place in the whole Polish mining industry. In terms of a thousand people employed in the last two years, the best results were obtained by: Tauron Wydobycie S.A., JSW S.A. and KW S.A. .

Heads of technical departments at the SMA presented the mining supervision activities: in solving the problems, maintaining quality parameters of the self-rescue breathing apparatus KA-60 at the same time, establishing cooperation and mitigating conflicts of interests of mining entrepreneurs with local governments by conciliation teams (appointed by the directors of the SMA) and in the development of the crew transport by tape conveyors.

Mining entrepreneurs declared interest in the research project to develop a new design of self-rescue breathing apparatus with the oxygen tank, which is high on the priority list when it comes to the implementation of the project by the mining supervision. In addition, they reported the need to accelerate work on the revision of operational rules in terms of reduction of coal extraction costs. SMA President assured that mining supervision is ready to start talks on proposals for changes to the regulations.

The SMA management informed the Presidents of the coal companies of proceedings on establishing the causes of the mining disaster of October 6, 2014 in KWK "Mysłowice-Wesoła", free training seminars, prepared by the mining supervision for miners this year and scheduled for 26 and 27 April conference on " Safety and Health Problems in Polish Mining", where one of the main topics will be innovative machines and devices used in the mines.