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Murderous race – JSW S.A. Silesia Runmageddon

The two-day struggle of the contestants in the JSW Silesia Runmageddon in the Szczygłowice Section of the Knurów-Szczygłowice mine came to an end. Nearly six thousand participants took part in the competition.

photo: Mateusz Paszek

The event was officially opened by Bożena Borys-Szopa, Minister of Family, Labor and Social Policy, and Włodzimierz Hereźniak, President of the JSW Management Board – On behalf of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa I would like to welcome our employees and guests from all over Poland. Thank you for being with us. Have a great competition – said the JSW President.

As many as 500 employees of our Company competed for the JSW President’s Cup. The contestants had an opportunity to test their strength in the unique, mining atmosphere and prove their abilities and character.

Each new group of contestants started the race every fifteen minutes. On the six-kilometer course the participants had to negotiate thirty diversified, extreme obstacles. They had to go through water and mud and fight with the boggy terrain. They had overcome carriages, sections, sludge carts, drums, cranes and a locomotive, as well as unique obstacles created from mining machinery and equipment available exclusively in the JSW S.A. Silesia Runmageddon.

The Fan Zone provided all participants and spectators with a lot of attractions, among others a Festival Town and a Challenge Zone with prizes.

The mining Runmageddon was not only a challenge for adults but also for children. Youngsters aged 4-11 gave a go at a dedicated one-kilometer KIDS course spiked with 10 obstacles. Older children (aged 12-15) undertook a two-kilometer challenge interspersed with as many as 15 diversified obstacles.

Adults and youths older than 16 had a go at the INTRO formula (3 km and 15+ obstacles) or the REKRUT course (6 km and 30+ obstacles). Anybody of age 18 years and over could test their strength in the CLASSIC formula (12 km and 50+ obstacles) and a novelty – a 12h Race. Over the two days, all formulas attracted nearly 6,000 participants from all over Poland.

Results of the JSW S.A. President’s Cup race:

Women’s classification:

  1. Karolina Porębska - Zofiówka Section
  2. Justyna Cierlicka - Production Support Unit
  3. Justyna Wiśniewska - Production Support Unit

Men’s classification:

  1. Dominik Śmeciński - Szczygłowice Section
  2. Tomasz Tomczyk - Szczygłowice Section
  3. Tomasz Komarnicki - Szczygłowice Section