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New power unit being constructed by Przyjaźń coking plant

The coking plant, belonging to JSW, conducted pressure test of the steam boiler, which is the heart of the emerging power unit with a capacity of 71 megawatts. The investment worth PLN 220 million will be completed in the middle of next year.

Construction of the power unit is part of the JSW Group's strategy, which intends to develop its activity not only producing coal and coke but energy  as well.

The general contractor is Energoinstal company from Katowice. The agreement with the coking plant concerns construction of a complete unit and  commissioning of the installation, until so called guarantee parameters have been achieved.  Putting the block into operation is scheduled for June 30, 2014. The heart of the system is a steam boiler, manufactured and assembled entirely by Energoinstal. It will provide steam for Siemens turbine. The boiler will be fueled by coke, previously treated as waste, in the process of coke production. This allows to reduce environmental pollution. Electricity generated by the new unit – will be used for own purposes – the surplus will be sold. Thus, the coke plant will be the producer and seller of the next product - electricity.

The construction is financed with own coke plant funds and aid received from the Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Katowice, as well as bank loans. Construction of the power unit is part of the coking plant investment program, which during the past seven years spent more than PLN1.3 billion on its development.

Thanks to conducted and planned investments after 2015 JSW Group is to become energy self-sufficient, making money on the sale of electricity and heat surplus in the market. JSW Group currently consumes about 160 megawatts, and generates nearly 130 megawatts.

Power industry of the Group is based on diffuse sources with lower production capacities, mainly fueled with our by - products, such as methane, coal gas, and low-quality coal. Power becomes a "third leg" of the group, next to mines and coking plants – says Jarosław Zagórowski, President of JSW S.A. during the boiler pressure test in Coking Plant.

The largest energy project of JSW Group is the construction of a new power unit at the power plant Zofiówka, which is part of "Jastrzębie" Power Company.  The project will cost PLN 507.8 million and will be ready in three years. The block will have output of 75 megawatts.