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Rescuers to compete

Today, September 8 in the Silesian Opera in Bytom IX International Mine Rescue Competition will be officially opened. Also today, the order of performances will be settled in the draw.


[Translate to English:] fot. Dawid Lach

The event will be attended by 21 rescue teams from around the world. JSW will be represented by rescuers from the Borynia Site: Adam Szkołda, Sebastian Krawczyk, Bogdan Sojka, Franciszek Chorowski, Marcin Kaczorek, Ślazyk Mirosław Mariusz Sojka, Paweł Panowicz, Marcin Holeksa, Miroslaw Studniaczek, Mirosław Dłudik.

International Mine Rescue Competition will last till Friday, September 12, when the result of the competition will be announced. The competition will be held on the grounds of the Central Coal Rescue Station SA in Bytom and  EXPO Silesia - Trade Fair and Conference Centre in Sosnowiec.

International competition is an excellent opportunity to upgrade the qualifications of mine rescuers and the exchange of technical and organizational knowledge. Participants will learn about the structure of the mine rescue services of other countries, including the principles of operation and their rescue equipment. Very important is also the possibility of a direct exchange of experiences and the integration of international rescue environment, which is of particular importance, in case of  emergency during the liquidation of consequences of the disaster in one place by services from different countries .

- Teams of rescuers will take part in five competitions: a simulated rescue, rescue knowledge test,  a competition called “apparatus mechanic” during which the previously prepared faults  in the rescuer’s breathing apparatus are to be identified. Next is competition for mechanic technician, where faults in the measuring instrument should be identified and finally - first aid competition during simulated underground conditions- says Adam Smith, technical director of the CSRG SA and coordinator of the competition from the station.

During the competition (September 11, CSRG SA in Bytom) III Rescue Workshop for professionals will be held in the field of mining rescue. Workshops, as demonstrated by previous editions are an appropriate form of exchange of practical and theoretical experience between professionals from the mining industry and mine rescue. The theme of this year's workshop will be the structure of the mine rescue in different countries and methods of rescue operations. 

The idea of ​​the International Mining Competition of  rescue teams emerged at the turn of 1997 to 1998 on the initiative of Secretary of State Davitt Mc'Ateera, acting in the United States office corresponding to the position of the President of the State Mining Authority in Poland. Mc 'Ateer, while in Europe, invited his partners from several countries representing the mining industry to participate in international rescue teams competitions, according to the formula developed by the United States. The first competition took place in 1999, when the Coordination Committee for International Competition was established. Its members were the representatives of the competitors and decided that the next international championship will be organized in even years.

Last - VIII - edition took place in 2012, in Donetsk, Ukraine. 26 teams from 13 countries took part in the competition.

Poland was represented by 5 teams:  JSW - Borynia - "Black Hawks", Katowicki Holding Węglowy - “Wujek” coal mine - "Silesian Tigers”,  Południowy Koncern Węglowy S.A. - "Black Gold", KGHM Polska Miedź - "White Eagles", Kompania Węglowa S.A. - Bytom Team.

The organizer of this year's IX International Mining Rescue Competition is Central Mines Rescue Station S.A. together with the State Mining Authority. Polish President Bronisław Komorowski became honorary patron of  the event. Rescuers from Colombia will participate for the first time in the International Mines Rescue Competition.  We wish best of luck for the rescuers from Borynia.