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The injured miners are now home

The two miners injured in the accident on Saturday left the hospital today. The intensive rescue operation continues underground.

During the drilling of the borehole through which a microphone, among other things, was dropped this morning, we ran into water in the rock mass. The head of the rescue operation decided to lay cement there so that water would not flow into it and so the surface of the flooded area would not rise.

To enhance the efficiency of the compressed air pumps operating there, one electric pump will also be put to use. It will be installed at the end of the overall system. This 900 kg device is being transported in the roadway in three parts (frame, engine and pump). The weight and dimensions (2 meters long and 75 cm high and wide) of the pump and the limited headroom in the roadway are hindering its transport. The water from the flooded area will be pumped out using a cascade of 3 or 4 pumps. The efficiency will be 7 times greater when using a powerful electrical device.

The electric pump has been ready for operation for several days. However, until now its use was not possible because the methane concentration was too high. Electrical devices can operate in a mining pit provided the methane concentration does not exceed 2%.

Krzysztof Tchórzewski, Minister of Energy and Grzegorz Tobiszowski, Deputy Minister arrived at the Zofiówka Section today. They participated in the meeting of the crisis management team and they talked with the rescue workers. Minister Tchórzewski also met with the miners’ families.