The Borynia mine, as of this January one of the Sites of the merged Borynia-Zofiówka mine, was awarded the 2011 Górniczy Diament (Mining Diamond) statue in the Best Solutions for Reducing Aerological Dangers in Mines competition.
The award was presented to the mine during the 4th International Science and Training Conference organised by the Central Mining Institute under the patronage of the President of the State Mining Authority. Miners, scientists, experts, representatives of Mining Authorities and Coal Companies, including representatives of the Czech Republic (OKD) and Germany (RAG) mining industries discussed, among other issues, the technologies of excavating in the face of natural risks, prevention and fighting endogenic fires, as well as unconventional methods of reducing aerological threats.
The award was granted by an independent chapter of persons working in committees dedicated to the process of comprehensive assessment of the status of recognising and combating natural and technological risks in mines and universal threats to safety related to mining operations, appointed by the President of the SMA. As underlined by the chairman of the chapter, Professor Janusz Roszkowski, PhD, Eng., of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, the measures taken by the Borynia Mine in 2010 with regard to the prevention of natural threats, and in particular of aerological threats and with regard to their monitoring, deserve the highest praise. The statue was presented by the chairman to the former Manager of the Borynia Mine, Zbigniew Czernecki, who has, since January, been the Manager of the Jas-Mos Mine.
It should be noted that this was the third edition of the competition in which mines are awarded the Mining Diamond of the Year award. The two previous editions saw the award granted to the following mines: Brzeszcze-Silesia - Site I Brzeszcze, Halemba-Wirek - Site Halemba, Krupiński, Kazimierz Juliusz, Wieczorek, Ziemowit.
In the current edition of the contest, three equal 2011 Mining Diamond awards were granted to the Borynia Mine (JSW S.A.), the Staszic Site of the Murcki-Staszic Mine (KHW S.A.), and the Bobrek Site of the Bobrek-Centrum Mine.
"The Mining Diamond" for the Borynia Mine