The results of the seventh edition of the "Safest Mining Division" competition organized by prof. W. Cybulski Foundation for Safe Mining operating at the State Mining Authority were announced.
The jury of the competition has selected 12 safest operating divisions taking into account the number of accidents, the conditions of work and the results of the checks. The awarded divisions are completing another year of work without fatal or serious accidents at work, and the number of light injuries is declining. In addition, inspections conducted in these facilities revealed no major irregularities.
- The crew is constantly introduced to the instructions and technologies of the safe work. Every day they carry out the training related to their positions. As you can see, training, responsibility and professionalism of people are effective - says Marek Ciura, mining foreman, G4b division manager.
During operation of the wall F-33 seam 403 / 1łg + łd in the competition period there were two slight accidents. One in the roadway and the other in the wall. However, since the life of the wall B-32 seam 407 / 1-2 no accident has been recorded in the G4b division.
- Accidents may be avoided if the work is carried out in accordance with the art of mining and safety regulations. Importantly, only experienced staff is directed to work in the most dangerous conditions - adds the foreman Dariusz Fuszara.