The Dębieńsko deposit, which is of interest to the Company, is a remnant of the former Dębieńsko mine, closed down more than 20 years ago. It is estimated that there are still more than 100 million tons of economic reserves of coal with good coking parameters in the batch of Group 400 seams that have not been mined yet.
- We do not have detailed information on the quality of the coal lying there, so geological survey work is necessary. Obtaining an exploration concession is only a prelude to further development of the deposit; it will have to be explored and documented and an environmental decision obtained. The entire process will take several years - says Adam Rozmus, Vice-President of the JSW SA Management Board for Technical and Operational Matters.
The Dębieńsko 1 deposit is located along the western border of the Knurów-Szczygłowice mine. Acquiring this deposit will definitely enlarge JSW SA's resource base and extend the mine's lifespan, as well as allow for rational management of coking coal reserves, which is a critical raw material for the European economy.