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Internet broadcast of the results of the JSW Capital Group for the H1 2024 year

The Management Board of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. has the pleasure of inviting you to watch the Internet broadcast of the financial results of the JSW Group for the H1 of 2024 year which will take place on September 30, 2024 (Monday) at 10:00 (CET)

The broadcast in English will be available online at: 



Recording of the presentation will be also published on JSW website on place: Webcast
The formula of online presentation enables asking questions - [email protected]

To enable proper reception of the broadcast, your computer should meet the following requirements:

  • Current browser version with JavaScript enabled,
  • Open Internet Ports: 1935, 80, 443, 53,
  • Internet connection with a minimum actual bandwidth of 4 Mbps (download).


Should you have any technical problems receiving our videoconference broadcast, please contact your network administrator:  [email protected]


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