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JSW at the EU forum

Last week, JSW representatives attended the general assembly of members of the European Advanced Carbon and Graphite Materials Association (ECGA). During the three-day event, meetings of the association's thematic committees took place, discussing, among other things, the challenges for the industry in the face of decarbonization of energy-intensive processes, such as graphite processing and production of advanced final products. An opportunity to strengthen the competitiveness of European manufacturers could come from the so-called Clean Industrial Deal announced by the President of the European Commission.

“Successful implementation of the green and digital transition must be based on raw materials extracted in a sustainable manner that is consistent with environmental, social and governance standards, which translates into their price. In our opinion, a key element of the new regulations should be the creation of a strategic reserve of raw materials, the deposits of which are available in member states, and their exploration will be a guarantee of European autonomy and security of supply,” Jarosław Kluczniok, Vice-President of the JSW Management Board for Development and chairman of the Critical Raw Materials Alliance in Brussels, said in the discussion.

This is important because in addition to producing the raw material necessary for steelmaking, JSW is also a supplier of coke-oven tar, which is the basis for the production of synthetic graphite for such value chains as batteries, electrodes and carbon fibers.

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