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Occupational health and safety competition for students

The Budryk mine in Ornontowice hosted the finals of the voivodeship occupational health and safety competition for students studying mining professions, entitled "Safe leap from OHS to mining." The competition was organized by the Regional Labor Inspectorate in Katowice in cooperation with the Budryk mine.

photo: Dawid Lach

The competition attracted 24 students from 6 mining trade schools. It consisted of practical and theoretical parts. Among other things, the students had to demonstrate their knowledge of occupational health and safety, prevention of mining hazards, harmful and hazardous factors present in the work environment, knowledge of individual and collective protective equipment, and safety procedures.

The tasks included a mental test to check eye-hand coordination, attention, memory and concentration. Particularly challenging were substantive tasks with a high degree of difficulty, such as precise calculations of ventilation parameters for a given working or characteristics of the construction of an explosion-proof stopping in a seam with a methane hazard. 

The winner of the competition was Radosław Kusy from Vocational School Complex No. 2 in Knurów. Second place went to Kacper Obrzut from the John Paul II High School Complex in Pawłowice, while third place went to Szymon Onderka from the High School Complex in Ornontowice. The school ranking was won by the Vocational School Complex No. 2 in Knurów.

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