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Seven years of cooperation with the School Complex No. 2 in Knurów

Representatives of JSW and the Gliwice County decided to continue cooperation on educating students in mining professions and providing them with a guarantee of employment after they leave school. The agreement was signed by Artur Wojtków, Vice-President of the JSW Management Board for Employment and Social Policy, in the Gliwice County Hall.

photo: Dawid Lach

It will cover 60 students who will start learning this September at the 1st degree industrial school, which is part of the Vocational School Complex No. 2 in Knurów, in the following professions: electrician, mechanic - machinery and device installation specialist, steel fixer, and at the technical high school: mechanical technician and electrical technician. The number of graduates scheduled for employment will depend on the needs of the JSW Group. There will remain one more condition to be met, namely passing the professional qualification exam.

 “In addition to the guarantee of employment in Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa’s mines, we offer practical vocational training at our plants. Thank you for your commitment and understanding of how important it is to support young people in their journey of education and acquiring knowledge and new skills. We value our cooperation with the Gliwice County Hall, and the seventh agreement we are signing today is proof of this,” emphasized Artur Wojtków, Vice-President of the JSW Management Board for Employment and Social Policy.

“I am glad that for so many years we have been able to cooperate with such an important company as Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa, a valued employer and our reliable partner,” said Dawid Rams, Gliwice County Governor.

The agreements concluded with the schools allow JSW to attract well-prepared school leavers, whose education process is tailored to the needs of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa’s mines.


The JSW Group is the largest producer of high quality hard coking coal and a significant producer of coke in the European Union, which an indispensable component in the steel production process. This year coking coal was given the status as a critical raw material for the European economy for the fourth time. JSW Group is an active participant in the coking coal – coke – steel supply chain which is critical to the growth and transition of the economy. Steel is used in the manufacture of various key products, including wind turbines, machinery, vehicles (including electric ones) and building structures. The JSW Group’s operations are crucial to the transition and development of a climate-neutral economy. The JSW Group employs more than 30,000 people.

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