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Technological breakthrough

A modern roadheader system with the Bolter Miner was handed over today to JSW by Komatsu Mining Corporation during celebrations in Tychy. The event featured also a demonstration test of its capabilities. In the next few days the hardware will be delivered to the Budryk mine in Ornontowice, one of the deepest hard coal mines in the world.

photo: Dawid Lach

JSW’s decision to purchase the roadheader may mark the most significant technological breakthrough in the Polish mining industry for many years. The research and development project entitled “Independent Rockbolt Support” is an innovative technology which may change not only the roadway works performed in JSW mines, but also may provide valuable inspiration for development for the entire Polish mining industry. The rockbolt support implementation project currently executed in JSW adapts the solutions used globally in the most modern deep shaft mines in the US and Australia, among other places. – This is a revolution in the Polish mining – said Włodzimierz Hereźniak– President of the JSW SA Management Board. – The implementation of this hardware aims primarily to increase mining and reduce its cost. All these efforts follow from our strategy providing for reducing mining costs and expediting preparatory works in JSW mines.

The construction of the Bolter Miner 12CM30 in the United States lasted one year. In May the miner was delivered to Poland. Over the next few days this modern machinery will be disassembled and transported to the Budryk mine in Ornontowice. There, its assembly in the “Bw –1N badawczy” roadway with a strike of 1,950 meters will last approx. three weeks. The miner will cover the first meters of the pit already in November. The roadheader will be equipped with a 5.6-meter wide cylindrical cutting head. The project involves construction of 6 anchors in the pit’s ceiling and 3 anchors in the sidewalls. According to the assumptions, the roadheader will drill 15 meters of the pit per day. Its capabilities are higher, but a lot depends on the mining and geological conditions in which the machinery will operate. – To execute all of ourambitious plans we have to embrace challenges like this. The roadheader is not only very modern and very safe; it also shows that we can expedite the work associated with opening the longwalls and mining the seams – said Adam Gawęda, the Government’s proxy for hard coal mining restructuring during the celebrations in Tychy. 

The project is the Company’s response to the challenges awaiting it in the years to come. One of them is to increase the front of preparatory works. – It would be a grave sin of omission not to use this technology in our conditions – summed up Artur Dyczko, JSW Vice-President for Strategy and Development.

The modern system to be used in JSW has been developed by a consortium of cooperating entities: JSW Innowacje as the consortium leader, JSW, the Central Mining Institute and Joy Global (Komatsu Mining Corp.).

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