For years, the School of Underground Mining has attracted experts, scientists and mining practitioners, creating a space for the exchange of knowledge and experience. More than 700 people registered for this year's edition. In total, speakers will present nearly 300 topics in 20 thematic sessions, of which 28 papers will be presented by JSW Group employees.
During the plenary session entitled "Strategic Transformation of the Energy and Mining Sector in Poland" Adam Rozmus, Vice-President of the JSW Management Board, took the floor. Among other things, he spoke about the challenges and prospects of the Strategic Transformation Plan at JSW.
- Within the framework of the Plan, we are primarily relying on elements relating to ‘Efficient Mine’ - said Adam Rozmus, Vice-President of the JSW Management Board for Technical and Operational Matters. - It is aimed at increasing the productivity of mining machinery and improving the efficiency of the workers. Within the framework of this model, 22 initiatives are being implemented, including optimizing the planning of development work, improving the efficiency of longwall mining operations and transportation in mines. At the same time, the Plan provides for implementing projects to ensure work comfort, improve ventilation and reduce fire hazards - the Vice-President explained.
The entire Plan calls for 54 initiatives, and more are still coming. It is worth noting that the Plan does not assume any staff reductions except for retirements.
- The entire transformation process will be as smooth as all employees of our Company are committed. JSW must exist because we employ 21,000 workers, on top of which 10,000 are in the JSW Group. We can't imagine a situation where the functioning of the mining industry in our region is at threat. The reason JSW needs to exist is that it provides a critical raw material, and this makes us a valued and important partner for the European Union. The issue of a systematic supply of coking coal allows us to become largely independent of imports - concluded Adam Rozmus, who was appointed during the plenary session to the Team of the Mining Technologies Section of the Mining Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
The participation of numerous representatives of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa and the JSW Group was an opportunity to present, among other things, innovative solutions implemented in mines. Przedsiębiorstwo Budowy Szybów, a JSW Group company, which is celebrating its 80th anniversary this year, had an opportunity to present itself. The company presented its experience and projects related to the topic of underground construction.
The conference addresses issues relating to, among other things, methane, automation and monitoring of production processes, occupational safety and new techniques and technologies.