Body of the Report:
The Management Board of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. ("JSW", "Company") reports that on 11 June 2019 the Company’s Supervisory Board adopted a resolution to dismiss from the JSW Management Board as of today Mr. Daniel Ozon, who has served in the capacity of President of the JSW Management Board.
At the same time, the JSW Supervisory Board adopted a resolution on entrusting as of today Mr. Robert Małłek, a delegated member of the Company’s Supervisory Board, with serving in the capacity of President of the Management Board.
Legal basis: § 5 item 4 of the Regulation issued by the Finance Minister on 29 March 2018 on the Current and Periodic Information Transmitted by Securities Issuers and the Conditions for Recognizing the Information Required by the Regulations of a Non-Member State as Equivalent.