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Budryk has got two demethanisation stations

A modern methane drainage station has been commenced at Budryk mine. This is the second methane drainage station in this mine. The first was established several years earlier at shaft II. The second was built at shaft VI in Chudów.

[Translate to English:] fot. Tomasz Siemieniec

The new demethanization station  provides a higher level of safety underground, enhances production efficiency, and also allows the usage of captured methane by the planned cogeneration installation (production of electricity and heat). Two engines are to be built with a total power of 8 MW. As a result, along with the existing three engines with a capacity of 5 MW, the mine will cover its demand for electricity in one hundred percent at the days free from work and 50 percent on weekdays.

But before the decision to build a new station at the shaft VI was taken, a long – term absolute methane - bearing capacity forecast had been developed for Budryk. It turned out that with the planned extraction from the walls 3-4, total absolute methane - bearing capacity  may be up to 250 m3 / min. With the planned production output the methane capture level should be increased, what is the core factor in methane hazard prevention. That is why the new demethanization station was needed. With one station existing for years at the shaft II, planned production and the reduction of methane hazard would not be possible. For several years the main mining front of Budryk moved to the area of ​​the shaft VI, that is four kilometers from the shaft II, with the "old" methane drainage station. Of course, in terms of the amount of methane, the operation at the increasingly deeper levels is of great importance. Until recently at Budryk we had walls that exploited non – methane deposits. Now all the walls exploit the deposits with the highest methane hazard category IV - says Jarosław Rutkowski, chief engineer of ventilation at Budryk mine. 

All arguments were in favor of building  the new methane drainage station at the shaft VI in Chudów. But the matter was not so simple, because it is the intake shaft and in accordance with the provisions it cannot carry methane drainage pipe. Therefore, we asked the President of the State Mining Authority for a derogation in this regard. But before the president’s decision in the matter, all the necessary analyses had to be conducted. It turned out that the amount of fresh air flowing through the shaft and the use of appropriate safeguards restricting the flow of methane into the shaft  enables secure methane capture with the pipeline built in the intake shaft VI - explains the engineer Rutkowski.

President of the State Mining Authority has agreed to derogation but it had to be fortified with many requirements. For example isolating valves methane had to be built in the methane drainage pipe, which in case of emergency automatically switches  captured methane from the pipeline in the shaft VI to the pipeline leading to the shaft II. The valves are controlled electronically. This solution is not only safe, but also convenient because - depending on needs - captured methane can be directed to methane drainage station on shaft II or VI and in case of failure of one of the stations you can keep the continuity of the methane drainage process.   

In total, the construction of a new station has been divided into three stages. The first is the construction of the pipeline φ 400 mm in the shaft to a depth of 1,050 meters and drift C-1a. The next step was the construction of the demethanization station building along with infrastructure and pipeline to the shaft. Finally they constructed  the valves control system together with a network of optical fibers. Three blowing fans (plus one additional),  work in the demethanation system and together are able to capture approx. 120 m3 of gas mixture per minute. In total, the two demethanization stations  are able to capture approx.360 m3 / min of gas mixture. The new plant was commenced in  May 21, 2015, just 16 months after the approval of the construction project by OUG methane drainage station in Gliwice.

The launching coincided with the start-up of longwall B-9 in the seam. 401, from which methane is being already captured. The whole system of pipes for methane drainage is approx. 27 km long and will still be lengthened.

Methane is a gas accompanying coal deposits. In recent years, Polish mines emits approx. 830 million cubic meters per year. Less than one third is captured and  used for the production of energy. The remaining methane goes into the atmosphere, adding to the  greenhouse effect.