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Good JSW coal sales in 2013

|   Investors Relations - common

In the anniversary year 2013, JSW sold the largest amount of its coal over 10 years. Sales were higher than production and amounted to 14 355 thousand tons of coal, of which more than 740 thousand tons have been taken from the heaps, mainly coking coal.

[Translate to English:] Zdjęcie: Piotr Sobczak

- It was the year of challenges and management effectiveness test. We struggled with falling prices of coking coal and coke in the world. The company also felt the effects of the economic slowdown in Poland and the crisis in the steel sector in the EU. On the other hand,  these extremely difficult reality demonstrated the rightness of the chosen development strategy and priorities adopted earlier. We focused on maintaining an adequate level of production, cost control and sales of the group products, to minimize the adverse impact of lower prices on the final outcome of the company. Marketing strategy, we have adopted, proved effective and despite fierce competition in the market - we were able to sell additional thousands of tons of coal and coke - highlights Jarosław Zagórowski, CEO of JSW SA.

In 2013 JSW mines produced 13 626 thousand tons of coal, exceeding the plan by 100 thousand tons. A similar volume of production - 13 639 thousand  tones - was obtained  in 2008. Also the sales of coke approached 4 million tons exceeding the amount of the previous year by nearly 200 thousand tons.