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JSW will hand over industrial areas to commune

JSW and Pawłowice commune signed on Friday, the 1st of March the letter of intent on development of about 20 acres of wasteland adjacent to the Pniówek mine.

[Translate to English:] zdjęcie: Agnieszka Materna

The mining company intends to hand it over for free and the commune has an idea what to do with needless property from the point of view of the mine. Thanks to this initiative unwanted bushes may become a place for active recreation, entertainment and education for the residents of the surrounding area. Details are not yet known, but there is a chance that in place of wasteland walking paths may appear,  bicycle paths, educational nature trail, playground and even a ski route, a mini ski slope and toboggan run. It will also be a good place to organize family picnics and sports. Silesian University of Technology has been invited to cooperate in forming the development concept. It is the students that will be able to give free rein to imagination and bring to life a 20-hectare of industrial area, finding a new purpose for it.

- Young people are open-minded. This is a chance to prove themselves and gain interesting experiences. They have the opportunity to arrange this space in any way. Some of their ideas will see  implementation. Silesian University of Technology students have already collaborated with us in the development of river valley concept Szotkówki. Here, too, the competition will be announced and prizes founded - said the president of JSW, Jarosław Zagórowski.

Pawłowice commune will obtain the funds needed for the implementation of the investment –  estimated PLN 25 million.  The EU assistance funds provided for the years 2014 to 2020 and the National Fund for Environmental Protection are to back up the project.

The initiative for the creation of recreational areas has been presented by local inhabitants who  know their needs best. - It is about making a useful resting place in summer and winter. Students’ ideas have to meet the needs of residents and the infrastructure that already exists in the community. Objects cannot be mirrored. These areas will be an oasis of relaxation for residents of nearby six thousand settlement - emphasizes Damian Galusek, mayor of Pawłowice.

The area to be developed, is outside the fence of mine, and was used during the building of the land for the storage of the ground from shaft sinking. Now it is overgrown by  self-sown plants, low verdure and bushes. This is called  East Head, which is divided in central part by rails  belonging to Jastrzębska Spółka Kolejowa S.A.