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The Management Board of JSW acknowledges the results of the referendum.

We are nonetheless certain that a strike is not the best way to reach an agreement on the issues that are vital for our Company. This is why we would like to appeal to all JSW employees to reacquaint themselves with the proposal posed by the Management Board of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa, the Ministry of Treasury, and the Ministry of Economy, and to undertake a constructive discussion with the representatives of the Company's management.
We would like to remind you that, as a result of the adopted decisions, in the event of the Company going public, shares in the Company will be distributed to EVERYONE CURRENTLY EMPLOYED BY THE JSW SA GROUP, as well as the staff of Kombinat Koksochemiczny Zabrze, which is currently being incorporated into JSW. And what is no less important, JSW, intending to support our ineligible employees, of whom there are as many as 13,800 in the JSW Group, has undertaken to cover the costs of share acquisition for these employees, which means that the ineligible Employees will not bear any part of the cost. This means that EVERYONE WILL ACQUIRE THE SHARES AT NO CHARGE!
Moreover, the State Treasury intends to amend the Articles of Association at a General Shareholders Meeting in the near future, in order to ensure the State Treasury's control over the Company following a potential public offering.
The most important demands of the social side have therefore been met:
- The State Treasury will retain no less than 50% + 1 shares in JSW, meaning the State will remain in control of our Company.
- The shares are free of charge for all employees.
The staff of the Budryk Mine and Koksownia Przyjaźń will be treated as ELIGIBLE employees. In case of these companies, in order to acquire shares in JSW, one will be required to waive the right to acquire shares in, respectively, Kompania Węglowa and Koksownia Przyjaźń. Similar provisions are in place for the employees of Kombinat Koksochemiczny Zabrze, in regard to which an acquisition of 85% of shares by JSW is planned. In case of all of the above entities, one was required to be employed by these companies prior to their commercialisation in order to become an eligible employee. In all other cases the shares will be transferred under the ineligible employee share acquisition scheme.
Other important proposals of the Employee Package:
- - Guarantee of employment for 5 years.
- The creation of an additional, dedicated tranche of shares in the planned public offering directed to the employees of the JSW Group and of KK Zabrze, which will allow the subscription for a number of shares larger than in the case of other individual investors.
We would also like to remind you that the Management Board of JSW S.A. proposed the introduction of a new, motivation-based salary system, which will allow salaries to increase even up to the levels expected by the staff. The Management Board of JSW S.A. believes that the working conditions created by the Company far exceed those in other coal industry companies. As of the end of 2010, the average gross monthly salary at JSW amounted to PLN 6,782.18. Demands posed by the Trade Unions with regard to salaries, i.e. concerning the increase of salaries for all employees equally and with no relation to the results of the employees' work, are difficult to accept.
It is our impression that the result of the referendum announced by the trade organisations is the result of those trade organisations misinforming the Employees. This is why we call on the employees to analyse the posed offers themselves, away from the noisy propaganda and the pressure. We remain at your disposal, should you wish to discuss in more detail the offer presented by the Ministry of Treasury, the Ministry of Economy, and the Management Board of JSW.