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Billions for security

In 2024, JSW earmarked more than PLN 1.6 billion for preventive occupational health and safety. That is more than 50 million more than in 2023, when security investments totaled nearly PLN 1.553 billion. Thanks to preventive measures taken and investments made in modern technology, this year has seen a significant decrease in the number of accidents at work.

photo: Dawid Lach

In 2024 the company's mines had 15 percent fewer accidents compared to 2023. The largest part of this amount of spending in the security area, more than PLN 1.1 billion, is for eliminating natural hazards. With these funds, the company is implementing a series of preventive measures to minimize risks and increase protection for workers in underground working conditions. 

“At Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa, employee safety is given top priority. All incidents are subjected to detailed analysis, on the basis of which preventive measures are taken to prevent future incidents,” comments Adam Rozmus Vice-President of the Management Board for Technical and Operational Matters.

In addition to the funds allocated to prevention, JSW continually invests in new technologies and upgrades to infrastructure related to occupational safety. In 2024, PLN 485 million were spent on modernizing methanometer central units, air-conditioning underground workings, modernizing the network of methane drainage pipelines, level drainage systems, and purchasing measuring and safety equipment. 

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