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Carbon Management Forum

Jarosław Kluczniok, Vice-President of the JSW Management Board for Development, participated in the Industrial Carbon Management Forum held by the European Commission and the French Ministry of Energy.

The conference, held for the fourth time, brought together representatives of EU institutions, academia and key industrial stakeholders. In her opening speech, Kadri Simson, Commissioner for Energy, drew attention to the need for a single CO2 market and emphasized the significance of international cooperation in the fight against emissions. According to the industry, EU regulations should provide market players with incentives consistent with the Green Deal strategy and the climate goals set without impeding the industry’s growth and in a manner that supports its competitive position in global markets where other companies do not face similar costs of doing business. As a company that supplies its products primarily to EU customers, JSW wants to ensure a stable supply of a commodity that meets the highest quality standards while contributing to building European resilience.

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